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Anyone got a raws summary?

Nenu September 30, 2019 2:14 am

Man, Taehwa is an asshole. The poor girl didn't deserve that. I can just let it slide because he was a dumb teen by then and not as bad as the fucked up Yohan. But he's still a dick.

    blueninja89 September 30, 2019 5:48 am

    Yohan is truly a monster but the way Taehwa treated that girl was despicable. Even Taehwa acknowledging the rape was more for his own sake than anything else and defeated the purpose of revicitimizing Minjae. Honestly both Yohan and Taehwa are terrible love interests respectively. But I'd choose Taehwa any day. At least he doesn't have attempted murder on his list of flaws.

    Dannyboy September 30, 2019 7:19 am
    Yohan is truly a monster but the way Taehwa treated that girl was despicable. Even Taehwa acknowledging the rape was more for his own sake than anything else and defeated the purpose of revicitimizing Minjae. H... blueninja89

    And Taewha is not physically and mentally abusive either. Yohan is a true psycho that deserves prison and be tortured.

    m_nicole September 30, 2019 7:41 am


    It's so much so I'm just gonna give you the main points. She ends up marrying someone else so she does get her happy ending. Yohan will find minjae first before taewha does. Yohan feels terrible for what he did to him so he takes care of him and tends to his wounds. Minjae still hates him but he really wanted to get closure between him and yohan and he does. He ends up leaving a very hurt Yohan who wants a relationship with him. Fast forward, taewha gets a tip off of where minjae could be from his friend and he ends up running into him. Minjae didn't recognize him at first which upsets taewha. But when he realized who he was standing in front of he was happy.

    It took them some time to really heal from there wounds from the past and they really tried hard to not have there new relationship go like it was in the past. They improved on communication and they ended up moving in together.

    I still left out alot but I hope this helps!

    Dannyboy September 30, 2019 8:26 am

    Was meant to upvote

    Nenu October 1, 2019 1:14 am
    Yohan is truly a monster but the way Taehwa treated that girl was despicable. Even Taehwa acknowledging the rape was more for his own sake than anything else and defeated the purpose of revicitimizing Minjae. H... blueninja89

    Yeah, exactly. He's the best out of two, but that doesn't mean what he did was ok.

    Nenu October 1, 2019 1:15 am
    Was meant to upvote Dannyboy

    Don't worry, ma boi, love ya, I don't really care about likes and stuff.

    Nenu October 1, 2019 1:18 am
    SPOILER!!It's so much so I'm just gonna give you the main points. She ends up marrying someone else so she does get her happy ending. Yohan will find minjae first before taewha does. Yohan feels terrible for wh... m_nicole

    Oh, wow, thank you very much, you're an angel. It does help, I feel better knowing that everyone got closure (▰˘◡˘▰)

    m_nicole October 1, 2019 7:26 am
    Oh, wow, thank you very much, you're an angel. It does help, I feel better knowing that everyone got closure (▰˘◡˘▰) Nenu

    You welcome!