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It's cute and all, but please reduce the needless crying. It would have been better if the...

shoujo fan February 21, 2014 1:23 am

It's cute and all, but please reduce the needless crying. It would have been better if the female character was a little bit more stronger.

    Bloody Sparrow March 15, 2018 7:24 am

    I actually like that. She's Hitogata, a child missing one or more emotions. She can express herself only by crying, she can't feel nor express happiness, while for boy it's the other way around..
    She has to be strong, as an orphan and princess, to put an example for her little brother, to endure many things. The only way to survive is to have ice-cold heart, but she can't help but cry and be depressed about everything... It's so sad..