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Terribly cute, but tell me, why are there two bats in the last page?

Anonymouse February 21, 2014 8:34 am

Terribly cute, but tell me, why are there two bats in the last page?

    Silver Wolf February 21, 2014 1:03 pm

    The bat had a son? Dunno. I like this manga, except for the end when they threw in the extra vamp. If he had been added sooner I wouldn't mind, but he was only present for like... 2 1/2 chaps at best. It pulled together nicely, except it was a bit convienent.

    evilcleo February 22, 2014 6:53 pm

    True, it would have been better to add in that second vampire sooner. Nonetheless, that was a really good ending. Confused about who's grave she visited (her own?) but it closed everything very well.

    Manga Lover February 24, 2014 8:23 am

    I think Touya created the other bat for the girl, I guess?

    Kai September 21, 2014 10:43 pm
    True, it would have been better to add in that second vampire sooner. Nonetheless, that was a really good ending. Confused about who's grave she visited (her own?) but it closed everything very well. @evilcleo

    this might be late but i think the grave was either for her friend, that girl, her cousin, or for themselves and they just said the grave to keep it short.