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Slightly bothered by a thing, but not really: So if I go look at my own homepage, my ques...

JadeAlberona October 1, 2019 11:24 pm

Slightly bothered by a thing, but not really:

So if I go look at my own homepage, my questions and topics are ordered from newest to oldest.
If I look at y'all's homepages, questions and topics are reversed, listed from oldest to newest.
I'm sure this is the same for everybody. If you go check out my shit, you'll see oldest stuff first. If you check out your own shit, it'll be newest stuff first.

I just wish it was always newest to oldest for everybody. Like, if I'm checking out your page, and vice versa, I want our initial impressions of each other to be based on our most current dumb opinions, not our oldest dumb opinions.

I'm no longer the retarded Bulbasaur I once was. I'm a retarded Venasaur now. I've bloomed.
