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Thumbsup69 October 3, 2019 1:26 pm

HAHAHA DAMN, this is just too funny. It’s a little hard for me to imagine anyone taking this seriously, like it was obviously made to pike fun at it’s own ridiculousness. Like seriously, it was bad enough she got to full term in less than a minute... But I completely lost it when an egg came out of her ASS wtf dude. At the same time the story and plot kinda takes itself seriously and somehow it adds to the charm of not having it as a full blown parody. With that said I adore this author, she has some serious drama/romance works that I had subscribed to for years until the last chapters. It’s cool to see how she writes comedies like this haha. give it a shot, it’s nice to just turn your brain off, go WTF!?! and laugh it off after haha
