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I like the way it all turned out except that I wish the pairing was a bit more solid. I lo...

Guest ;) February 22, 2014 10:15 am

I like the way it all turned out except that I wish the pairing was a bit more solid. I love that the pres was just that super awesome manipulative but helpful idiot. I sorta wish Chisato would just go ahead and commit instead of playing it 'safe' for years n years... He is w/ Tomoya... but he also plays w/ other men every once in a while which is sad ;.; If I nit-pick I could fin tons more wrong about the uke but this story gives a relaxed feeling so no nitpicking~ For some reason, I think this is story is a good one regardless of the non-commitment :)

    ^_^ March 28, 2014 8:42 pm

    Totally agree with you there! Loved the story but also think it would be amusing if he got with the pres or if he actually made a commitment. :)