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What Seunggyu said bothered me

daynight October 8, 2019 5:44 pm

I'm happy that he's supportive and all but he said 'why would they choose a difficult way'

I mean it's not as if we wanted to be gay, it's not as if we woke up one day and baam 'I feel like banging a chick (or a dude if you're a dude) today'

We wouldn't be living with difficulty if people stopped giving us shit for just existing.

    Icarlen Girl October 8, 2019 5:57 pm

    No joke, i've had "friends" tell me stuff like "If it's so bad why did you go gay" or "If it's so bad why don't you just stop being gay" and i was like "Did you guys forget your brain or is it damaged by default".

    daynight October 9, 2019 5:44 am
    No joke, i've had "friends" tell me stuff like "If it's so bad why did you go gay" or "If it's so bad why don't you just stop being gay" and i was like "Did you guys forget your brain or is it damaged by defaul... Icarlen Girl

    "why don't you stop being stupid"
    I'd say that if I could lmao

    Ario October 9, 2019 6:42 am

    I guess because they aren't actually "gay," they just like each other. yaoi trope. also in asia it's a lot more expected that you marry a woman regardless of how you feel.

    gaywildcat October 9, 2019 5:15 pm

    man to me he's portraiting his point of view and how he doesn't understand but he still adds that if that's who his friends love he would do anything to protect them and I think that's him showing how he respects them being gay and liking a guy, he doesn't say it like it's a choice, he says that it would be easier to date a girl but that's not who they love so at least to me he wasn't being an ass, he was saying that he used to think like one but now understands it