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I don’t think my English teacher likes me. I don’t really know why but maybe it’s b...

Just another fugoshi October 9, 2019 2:42 am

I don’t think my English teacher likes me. I don’t really know why but maybe it’s because I usually get C’s, D’s, and F’s on tests in her class.Every time I ask her a question about an assignment she just snaps at me or makes a speech saying “You didn’t listen” (I do listen!).And I’m scared asking her more questions about making up tests and assignments without her being snappy. SHE IS ALAWYS SAYING HELLO TO MY FRIENDS and asking how are they’re doing and I’m over here feeling sad and hurt over here. :( I really want my teachers to like me and tell them that I’m a good student I’m trying to get my grade up to a C in her class but I don’t think it will happen this quarter.AHHH I’m so stress right now :(

    osakabanana October 9, 2019 3:28 am

    some teacher just butthurt -_- My english teacher used to be like that too, ignoring me and playing favorite among the students. Her pet student was the smart sociable kid in the class. Well she did approached me later, when I got interested in writings and my grades got better. It was so awkward, but yeah don't mind it too much and just study with your friends

    MogBog October 9, 2019 4:37 am

    Some people are like that. Ask your friends how they see you and your teacher from their POV and if they say something’s off, try talking to the principal or another teacher. Those are your grades and if she’s giving you lower marks just because she doesn’t like you, she needs to be dealt with. Other than that, just be super nice. She’ll find it hard to bitch if you’re kind to her. Good luck on your studies~