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I love the villainess stories, so I’ll grab as many as I can, even if they are one-shots...

LaurenNH93 October 11, 2019 9:40 pm

I love the villainess stories, so I’ll grab as many as I can, even if they are one-shots!

Buuuuut... I realized something the other day. I love otome games myself, but NONE of them had a Rival/Villainess.

AND, and? Like, all of the otome games I’ve played are set in either modern or ancient Japan. I’d love to actually play one that seems to be set in castles with dukes and barons and stuff.

Then again, I’ve only ever played the ones that have been translated, so the ones these are based on might just not have made it to the US.

    Mayukashi October 11, 2019 10:34 pm

    What about Midnight Cinderella then? I really love that game