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Sanjou needs to get over it honestly...

sparklylemons October 11, 2019 10:17 pm

I can understand Kabu for not saying much, he's embarrassed of his behavior and it's not like you'd actually go open up to your boyfriend about all the horrible shit you did in the past. Though I get Onoe as well. He doesn't know anything much about Kabu and then some random person shows up saying Kabu used him. I can imagine him thinking he's just a convenient boyfriend, like Sanjou was a convenient friend. Though I think he's mostly over it by the end of the chapter and will trust in Kabu. Though it's amusing Sanjou doesn't realize they are banging. Really out there thinking they are just friends.

    Oyaoyaoya October 12, 2019 10:20 pm

    I was reading this completely serious until I reached the last two sentences