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Yuzu <3

Spirit October 13, 2019 9:16 pm

The only reason why I bothered to suffer through even a few chapters of this manga is because of my bby Yuzu. I dropped this a long time back, but still come once in a while to check and see if the precious cinnamon roll got his HE or not.
Istg, if he doesn't get the happiness he deserves, I'm going to FLY INTO A RAGE!
At this point I couldn't care less about Nino or her choosing Momo over and over again, I JUST NEED YUZU HAPPY! That's it.
Even if Yuzu doesn't get together with her (which is prolly what will happen based on comments) I want him to get over her and get someone for himself and be HAPPY!
Better if the mangaka makes a separate manga for him WITHOUT any love triangles so I can enjoy the process of my bby attain happiness.
What Nino x Momo? What Nino x Yuzu? It's Yuzu x Happiness in MY household!

    Mels May 13, 2020 10:39 pm

    Yuzu and happiness is my new hope