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Help a fellow fujoshi :’)

sarusayan October 17, 2019 6:53 pm

Sooo its the birthday of one of my best friends, and we both love japan very much. But i can’t read japanese, but she can (Im so proud of her T^T). Im planning to write a small card in japanese But Im afraid of using google translate, because of the mistakes. So i would like to ask if someone can translate this to japanese ( I know its short, but im not good with writing cards)

To my best friend ....
You are finally 17 and that means you’re almost an adult. Enjoy your last year as a small child and make beautiful memories. Im happy you’ve lived happy and healthy and i hope it stays this way. Im so happy i met you and im very excited for the years that are coming.
I wish you a happy birthday and hope you live 100 years more.
With much love

That was my letter, i also want to write in small “I hope you understand this letter :)” so if you can also translate that, I WOULD BE SOOO GRATEFULLLLLLL

    pigglypoof October 17, 2019 9:21 pm

    Maybe reach out to a translation group with a nice message? I know they have a lot on their plate, but there might be someone willing to help. Just remember to be kind even if they cannot help you.