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Just my thoughts ...

Demon October 18, 2019 3:34 pm

who ever badmouth Jung can go & die .. I'm crushing so hard on him gaahhhh ... it's not that i don't like Inho I do but I'd love to have a bf like Jung. ... the thing about the characters here they feel so real no ideal people shit cause yeah life is not ideal and every one has many sides that only show to his close ones so I respect that the author showed that and really appreciate it. I really love Seol too and the developments in her character & the interactions between her and Jung are so cute. so yeah Jung for me is unperfectly perfect.

    mika October 21, 2019 12:18 pm

    Do u even know what Jung did? He is the most selfish person I ever seen, I feel bad for Inho and of course I will bad mouth him whenever I want

    Demon October 21, 2019 8:12 pm
    Do u even know what Jung did? He is the most selfish person I ever seen, I feel bad for Inho and of course I will bad mouth him whenever I want mika

    it wasn't 100% Jung fault Inho played part in his own tragedy without realizing it & that was obvious in the last chapters when Inho & June set together and spilt there gut out ... Jung has his way in protecting him self & thought Inho was back stabbing him while actually it was Inha, I can't say his ways are right but I can relate & he is just a human being after all ... that's my point

    mika November 11, 2019 9:47 am
    it wasn't 100% Jung fault Inho played part in his own tragedy without realizing it & that was obvious in the last chapters when Inho & June set together and spilt there gut out ... Jung has his way in ... Demon

    Okay now do u have anything to say? It's all Jung fault, today episode proved it

    Demon November 11, 2019 10:09 am

    lol it's a known fact that Jung influence & provoke people to do things in his benefit that's nothing new it's his personality & how he learned to defend him self since childhood & i'm not saying it's right ... but the thing is he never has actual control on the result like he would have never known that the guy would actually damage Inho hand & as I said before Inho's novice and ignorance of his surrounding and peoples feeling especially that guy made the result of Jung's provoke worse ... humans feelings and personalities are not a simple thing & I know people always like to find someone to blame but it's actually & accumulative result of many factors.

    mika November 11, 2019 10:23 am
    lol it's a known fact that Jung influence & provoke people to do things in his benefit that's nothing new it's his personality & how he learned to defend him self since childhood & i'm not saying it... Demon

    Ur defending him coz he's a Male lead and was his blaming him wrong? Nope, actually Jung really did it

    Demon November 11, 2019 7:48 pm
    Ur defending him coz he's a Male lead and was his blaming him wrong? Nope, actually Jung really did it mika

    I could say the same about you since Inho is a lead male too! ... & i'm not defending him i'm saying I can understand his actions even if they are wrong i never said his ways are right & still you can't blame him for Inho misery 100%

    mika November 12, 2019 10:09 am
    I could say the same about you since Inho is a lead male too! ... & i'm not defending him i'm saying I can understand his actions even if they are wrong i never said his ways are right & still you can't... Demon

    Yeah, it's not 100% his fault but he was the one who started it and Inho was alone, he didn't have anyone to guide him, every single one was just backstabbing him even his own sister, only the orange hair girl showed him the right path and it's because of her that he is slowly improving

    Demon November 12, 2019 3:14 pm
    Yeah, it's not 100% his fault but he was the one who started it and Inho was alone, he didn't have anyone to guide him, every single one was just backstabbing him even his own sister, only the orange hair girl ... mika

    I can agree with that

    mika November 12, 2019 4:18 pm
    I can agree with that Demon

    Thanxs ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    norimak_1999 December 2, 2019 2:50 pm

    huh ?? It's ok not to be perfect but come on... I mean he's all nice and happy but then all of a sudden, he's cold towards you and wants to take revenge because he thinks you've done him wrong :'> I mean Baek In Ho didn't do anything and Jung literally back stabbed him because he was mad at him for such a stupid reason. Seol also had the same experience :'> He tormented her for like years in the uni, only decided he wanted to be her BF cuz he WANTED to ( I can't remember why he wanted to be Seol's BF lol)
    no one needs to be ideal, but at least he should consider how ppl would feel as well. He's not the belly button of this planet. How can someone know what he really wants or mad of if he doesn't tell them (except for bastards like sangchul or that crazy b*tch In Ha)

    mika December 2, 2019 2:56 pm
    huh ?? It's ok not to be perfect but come on... I mean he's all nice and happy but then all of a sudden, he's cold towards you and wants to take revenge because he thinks you've done him wrong :'> I mean Ba... norimak_1999

    That's what i'm trying to say! But people in comment section r like siding with Jung and think he didn't do anything

    mika December 2, 2019 2:56 pm
    huh ?? It's ok not to be perfect but come on... I mean he's all nice and happy but then all of a sudden, he's cold towards you and wants to take revenge because he thinks you've done him wrong :'> I mean Ba... norimak_1999


    norimak_1999 December 3, 2019 8:39 am
    That's what i'm trying to say! But people in comment section r like siding with Jung and think he didn't do anything mika

    lol I get he's an interesting character but what he did to ppl was too much :'> it's not about taking sides, it's about what's right or wrong and what Jung did was messed up :'>

    mika December 3, 2019 12:21 pm
    lol I get he's an interesting character but what he did to ppl was too much :'> it's not about taking sides, it's about what's right or wrong and what Jung did was messed up :'> norimak_1999

    Yeah, I hope he realized it soon. Inho really suffered alot for that crime which he didn't do in a first place:,). It's all Inho sister and his father fault and it's also jung fault to for messing Inho life

    norimak_1999 February 5, 2020 3:40 am
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    the heck ?? He can have a peaceful life in a reasonable way, WITHOUT stabbing people behind their backs and go straight up talk to them :'>
    Baek In Ho was a great friend to him and Seol was hard-working normal girl, yet just because they "accidentally" pissed him off, he gave them the cold-shoulder and can probably ruin their lives :'> Like In Ho's hands and Seol's social life.
    No one expects him to be perfect. He doesn't need to and I don't want him to be a pushover. JUST FRIGIN TELL THEM WHEN HE IS PISSED :'>

    norimak_1999 February 8, 2020 9:07 am
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    what ???
    First of all, In Ho tried to reach out for his proper answer years ago when he got his hand smashed, and what did Jung do ?? He gave In Ho a frigin smirk , that's what he did. What do you even mean by: "he was fine with having someone to blame for his miseries" ?? He didn't know why Jung suddenly acted that way, and he had the right to be pissed when he found out that somehow Jung led those "jealous mob" rounded up on him and smashed his hand. Not to mention a smirk right after his crashed hand?? Isn't that a bit too much ???? Yeah, I think it's reasonable for In Ho to be "aggressive and starts trashing back" every times he sees Jung, especially Jung and In Ho were like best friends at that time. And Jung didn't do it HIMSELF, yes, but he was the one who encouraged it. In other word, Jung WAS the one indirectly crashed In Ho's hand and without Jung, things wouldn't have ended up that badly.
    And Seol was trying hard to get close to him?? Jung does not like to be mad at her??? I mean, Idk how you see it but Jung was mad at her, a lot, and compared to the other students, I think Seol was just trying to be a polite, friendly hoobae, who happened to "smirk" and accidentally made him think she thought he was weird. And of course she wanted to run away from his "dark side", if the "dark side" includes: kicking the paper that you're trying to pick up on the floor and looking down on you like you're trash (when actually you haven't done anything wrong).
    And yes, he can be afraid of people judging him and he can give people the cold- shoulder as much as he wants. The real problem here is that he did that to the people who were just being nice to him, especially In Ho. He misunderstood them, and when they tried to reach out for an explanation, he ignored them and gave them the cold-shoulder, that's what happened.
    And here is when the miscommunication problem arises. Yes, that is the key of it all. You're telling him that you don't like to be mad at the people who are dear to you, agreed. I mean who would want to??? But occasionally, people WILL have fights and arguments. And you will have to talk back to them if you think they're wrong, even if they think you're weird. I mean, it's how life goes, it's not just in comic and fiction anymore. And if you want to be a mature, responsible adult, all the more reason to say it straight. And who would say "yah, you piss me off " so suddenly, just a simple call out to them like: "hey, what you did wasn't right" and then explain why. What Jung's dad did to him was out of line and wrong. But Jung decided to accepted it. That's why he was more afraid of the judgin'. If he could say it out loud that he doesn't want to do this anymore, maybe his dad would have accepted, and if his dad still doesn't accept it, at least Jung is more satisfied, instead of keeping it all to himself.
    So the real point I'm trying to say here is :

    mika February 8, 2020 8:17 pm
    what ???First of all, In Ho tried to reach out for his proper answer years ago when he got his hand smashed, and what did Jung do ?? He gave In Ho a frigin smirk , that's what he did. What do you even mean by: ... norimak_1999

    Dude, I wanna hug u for explaining it so logically which these Jung fans failed to understand the main point. I really want Jung to get karma for what he did to Inho, he suffered for no reason just because of jung stupid misunderstanding and without talking to him (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸