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Idk, English is not my first language and reading about work in english is H.A.R.D(don't s...

Uselessfujoshi October 19, 2019 9:20 am

Idk, English is not my first language and reading about work in english is H.A.R.D(don't say some shit like "I can do it easily" or "it's pretty easy for me." I'm talking about ME. I'm not so good with english and have no one to practice to.)

    t8nt3d October 19, 2019 11:52 am

    Basically, Kyuu-san is going down the same path as most corrupt politicians all over the world in high positions--making use of his position as a public official to make private companies richer (if it helps, that's happening in the US right now... their president is putting CEOs as heads of departments and they're obviously put there for the money). But he doesn't have one corrupt bone in his body that he's really just doing it for the sake of the nation--like helping to create jobs for 2000 people.