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OMG!!! i just read the 1st 2 chapters and im dying from laughter!! >< TT TT Also th...

yale March 1, 2014 2:46 pm

OMG!!! i just read the 1st 2 chapters and im dying from laughter!! >< TT TT
Also these days there r still kids that r found that hav been raised by wolves. its true. 1 of my older friends found a boy raised by wolves when she was in the woods. i didnt believe it at 1st but then she showed me pics and watnot and she and a ton of investigators hav been lookin for his parents. they still r now.

    yale March 1, 2014 2:47 pm

    though it might take em a few years cause they determined he was 9-10 years old when they found him.

    Erza Scarlet March 10, 2014 8:49 am

    wooowwww...... is that real???