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What do you guys think?

JustAYaoiFangirl October 22, 2019 5:22 pm

So I was going to get some Chinese food and as I was walking there, there was this group of 4 teens (about 19). 2 guys and 2 girls. I had my music on really low and could hear them talking crap.

As I was passing them, they said stuff about me like "I bet she stinks" and "you look 13" then one of them growled at me like an animal so I glanced back and she shouted"I dare you to look again" so I did, looked at her and gave her the finger as I shouted back "grow the fuck up".

Later on, I passed them again and she once again said something to me (I don't remember what she said but it was rude) and I just told her it wasn't my fault that she is mentally ill. At that point, I was pretty calm unlike when I told her to grow the fuck up.

I don't know any of them and honestly what the fuck was that even on about? Were they trying to bully me or something? What do you guys think about the situation?

Then later on as I was walking back home a group of young guys (ages ranging from like 12-19) asked me "where are you from" (nationality), I replied and asked them why they need to know. They told me it was cuz they never saw me before, I moved in like 5 months ago. Then as I was walking I think there were like 2 people walking behind me but Idk if it was any of them. But A few of them had bikes and I did hear a bike behind me but at the same time there are a lot of kids on my street and the incident took place at the main street.

So I get that I wasn't nice but the blond did start it. Do you guys think that both of the incidents are related? And If yes what do you think they might be planing. BTW this was all in public.

    kamisama October 22, 2019 5:40 pm

    God if I was you I'd grab a baseball bat or any close weapon and fucking smack the shit out of them as much as I can if they kept trying to bother me over AND OVER. There's a limit to how rude people can be.

    I don't think their intentions are good and are honestly just being immature. Be careful or you might get jumped smh

    Carry pepper spray on you at all times and a lighter just in case. Or a pair of scissors. That, or make you you've got company with you

    No joke ppl in my neighborhood actually pull shit like this IT FUCKING PISSES ME OFF

    NancyHotcheetos October 22, 2019 5:41 pm

    I feel like they are related somehow i bet they are just some 12 years old kids whatever they are I thank you for not giving out any pieces of information and i suggest that you either ignore them or use a different path orrrr ask a friend to walk with you be careful and take care

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 22, 2019 5:50 pm
    God if I was you I'd grab a baseball bat or any close weapon and fucking smack the shit out of them as much as I can if they kept trying to bother me over AND OVER. There's a limit to how rude people can be.I d... kamisama

    Yeah honestly, I did want to smack the blond so much. I held my self back but I feel ya.

    I will carry scissors to my college tomorrow. The incident happened a minute away from my bus stop and there will be plenty of people there tomorrow per usual. Did you ever have any incidents like that before?

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 22, 2019 5:55 pm
    I feel like they are related somehow i bet they are just some 12 years old kids whatever they are I thank you for not giving out any pieces of information and i suggest that you either ignore them or use a diff... NancyHotcheetos

    Well, I did tell them my nationality but they can't do anything with that because the town that I live in has plenty of Polish people.

    They acted like they are 12. But the 4 teens looked 19. I'm 18 but I am 5'2 and have a baby face (I look 15.)

    Idk, if I will see them again but I could. My bus stop is close by to where I live and is next to a shop so I will be fine going by myself.

    Thankfully they don't know that I go to college nor which college I go to (I don't go to the local college.) Plus they proably legit think that I'm in middle school/high school.

    Hopefully I won't run into them again but who knows.

    Uzumakii October 22, 2019 6:04 pm

    girl they were trying to bully you... don't let it bother you tell them to get a life instead of standing on the corner harassing people they don't know.

    Cherry October 22, 2019 7:54 pm

    Ughh omg I can never understand why people bully. It's super cringe and are they shameless? Don't worry bout it they're only tough when they're around one another. It's just how they work. Have u guys ever seen a bully,bully someone alone? Nope,they do in packs. And I cannot stop laughing when you said one of them growled at you

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 22, 2019 8:22 pm
    Ughh omg I can never understand why people bully. It's super cringe and are they shameless? Don't worry bout it they're only tough when they're around one another. It's just how they work. Have u guys ever seen... Cherry

    Lol, yeah it was super weird. I'm the quiet kid, pretty short and a bit chubby (not overweight but I was for a few months) and did have people try to pick on me before. And honestly, it was never 1 on 1.

    Freja October 22, 2019 8:37 pm

    Group mentality basically. If they were alone they probably wouldn't do shit like that. They're probably awkward teens that think they are tough but they just look cringy from an adult's point of view.

    Peach October 22, 2019 9:08 pm

    Carry some kind of spray with you, be careful they might be planning something

    ~la October 22, 2019 9:35 pm
    Well, I did tell them my nationality but they can't do anything with that because the town that I live in has plenty of Polish people. They acted like they are 12. But the 4 teens looked 19. I'm 18 but I am 5'2... JustAYaoiFangirl

    Since they asked you what is your nationallity I am assuming you are not living in Poland at the moment. I don't know if this will work, but it did work for one of my friends..People often mistake Slavic languages as Russian and they think all Russians are mobsters, so what she did is pretended to be on the phone spoke her mother tongue (Croatian) and she basically dropped few words that people understand like mafia and bunch of names. They thought she called on her mobster bodyguards on them. She was left alone ever since. (This worked in USA, if you are in Europe it might not..So)

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 23, 2019 5:00 pm
    Since they asked you what is your nationallity I am assuming you are not living in Poland at the moment. I don't know if this will work, but it did work for one of my friends..People often mistake Slavic langua... ~la

    Oh Im in the UK and I think I will be fine without it. Haven't seen any of them today.

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 24, 2019 1:51 pm

    UPDATE: saw her in town today, she started screaming at me from accross the street and talking crap. Told her to grow up, gave her the finger and walked away. She was with a kid (about 3) and some guy.

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 26, 2019 7:51 am

    UPDATE: Today when we woke up, someone has taken out the mirrors out of my mom's car. They didn't break them but they did break the thing that was keeping them in place.

    Cherry October 26, 2019 8:32 am
    UPDATE: Today when we woke up, someone has taken out the mirrors out of my mom's car. They didn't break them but they did break the thing that was keeping them in place. JustAYaoiFangirl

    Wow they even went that far? What the actual fuck are they doing lmao.

    JustAYaoiFangirl October 26, 2019 9:46 am
    Wow they even went that far? What the actual fuck are they doing lmao. Cherry

    Idk, it could be random but the timing sure ain't making this seem like a mistake. It seems that when I thought I was being followed, it was actually someone she knew. How lovely.

    The blondie seems mental, like what is she even starting petty drama over? I will keep my eyes open and since I have next week off I can stay up and see if I can spot them/catch them/gets any pics of any of them if they come back to vandalize anything else.