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Hello guys i have a question if anyone can answer me how can i post images for a webtoon ...

ichi ni October 25, 2019 7:51 am

Hello guys
i have a question if anyone can answer me
how can i post images for a webtoon or manga ?
i mean , you know when you first open a manga , there will be
then down there will be
Photos about this manga ( i want to know how to post pictures in this one )
thank you in advance

    t8nt3d October 25, 2019 9:45 am

    When you're viewing the manga, add it to your album. Any image you add to your album will be added to that section for all to see.

    ichi ni October 25, 2019 9:57 am
    When you're viewing the manga, add it to your album. Any image you add to your album will be added to that section for all to see. t8nt3d

    thank you for your replay
    i'll try it