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I’m sorry but I feel like the story is all over the place. I get that it’s a comedy bu...

Salty Biscuit October 26, 2019 6:02 pm

I’m sorry but I feel like the story is all over the place. I get that it’s a comedy but bringing up the bullying issue here is just plain weird. Imo dokyung dealing with his past traumatic events is such a BIG deal and yet this doesn’t seem to have a clear solution. Sunbae on the other hand is really frustrating, idk if he likes dokyung for real or he’s just too attached to him cuz he wants his blood. And taehyun being a second lead makes things even more frustrating for me. Seems like he knows dokyung well and even tries to console him when he’s having a mental breakdown. I mean, he’s too perfect to be just a supporting character!!—Oh my god my head hurts just thinking about it.
