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You may want to check the raws for more mature content...

Foxglove October 27, 2019 9:10 am

As some of you have already realized chapter 33 has been cut quite thoroughly. I think it doesn't hurt the story too much but it is a shame for anyone to even consider to bare down this beautiful story and to deprive you all of this beautiful artstile, not to mention this handsome sexy time scene. So maybe you want to check that chapter out in the raws. I guess the censorship happened in other chapters, too, though I only checked randomly and did not find any other case where it was so severe. If anyone found more censored pages, maybe you can share them here... A good hint is always this flower pattern which is sometimes used to cover their bodies or big blurry panels. Oh, and it is not always only sexy scenes, in chapter 38 eg the last page is missing, I guess due to the blood that flows. In this case I think it is really stupid, as I did not really get whats going on on the next few pages until they talk about what has happened... only because he sliced her face a little, though he was really holding back this time. I mean, this is Igen we are talking about - Why choose this story for publishing when they can't deal with the behaviour of the Characters in the end?

Well, to make a long story short - check Chapters 33 and 43 and if you find any more content that got lost in the process of official publication please chare with all other fans out here!

    Foxglove November 3, 2019 11:24 am

    Little update: they even dared to cut the last hot scene in the final chapter. I admit I was too lazy to check the final chapters as they did not change too much in several hot scenes later on but to even change the good bye chapter... what a world. You can check the raws here:

    Jesss December 1, 2019 3:13 am
    Little update: they even dared to cut the last hot scene in the final chapter. I admit I was too lazy to check the final chapters as they did not change too much in several hot scenes later on but to even chan... Foxglove

    why are they cutting out sex scenes from a yaoi manga? makes no sense.