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The Fuck?? They are only in 8th Grade! Talking about love and shit....and I really wanted ...

Legolas March 5, 2014 4:24 am

The Fuck?? They are only in 8th Grade! Talking about love and shit....and I really wanted hiawawa whatever to be with Teru

    Fuck yourself legolas! Thias manga was awesome April 30, 2014 1:09 am

    Ok seriously! What the FUCK to you too then! I liked it as it is! I think the author is very good for doing it and who the fuck cant figure out that Hinata wouldn't end up with sumino in the future. And you are basically saying that 8th graders shouldnt be able to feel love on opposite sex WELL FUCK YOU THEN! I think love can be in any ages either it be love for parents, friends, crush, or brothers! You dont know if they are inlove like inlove or just inlove as a friend but Re just misinterprating it as LOVE! jUST fuck yourself!

    Shiki June 17, 2014 10:46 pm

    Well people do start dating early these days, I mean I knew a couple of people in 5th grade that had already started dating....