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But if you bite the neck, then the alpha won't react to other omegas pheromones, only to t...

Peach November 3, 2019 12:41 pm

But if you bite the neck, then the alpha won't react to other omegas pheromones, only to the omega he is mates with, same goes for the omega. So why doesn't he just mark him?

    Noisymura November 3, 2019 12:55 pm

    Exactly because of the reasons the dad talked about, they want the omegas to be totally FREE, to make their own choice and not to stay with their alphas because they have to, if they want to leave someday they can, without being forced to stay by a "bond"

    Peach November 3, 2019 1:01 pm
    Exactly because of the reasons the dad talked about, they want the omegas to be totally FREE, to make their own choice and not to stay with their alphas because they have to, if they want to leave someday they ... Noisymura

    Well then what about the alpha?it's not fair for them in many aspects. What if they get exposed to a pheromones of a careless omega, or a omega who is targeting them and they lose all reason and fuck that omega that they don't love? How are THEY going to feel when they cheat in their loved one without being able to do anything? Or let's say the omega goes into heat somewhere else and someone rapes him, biting his neck in the middle of it, how are they both going to feel?

    Peach November 3, 2019 1:04 pm
    Exactly because of the reasons the dad talked about, they want the omegas to be totally FREE, to make their own choice and not to stay with their alphas because they have to, if they want to leave someday they ... Noisymura

    And it's not because they have to, they must first agree to being together and then the alpha can mark him, not by force, and in this case, the omega wasn't made to stay with him by force, and he even loved the Alpha for years, which means he will love him for as long as he lives.

    shacchi November 3, 2019 1:33 pm
    Well then what about the alpha?it's not fair for them in many aspects. What if they get exposed to a pheromones of a careless omega, or a omega who is targeting them and they lose all reason and fuck that omega... Peach

    no, i think it's totally fair. it's because alphas don't carry marks the way omegas do. once omegas are marked, they mate with the same person for life. the alpha can mate with several omegas. from the get go, their biology is already not equal. the alphas in this story (ayame, shuu's dad) understand the unfairness, so they try to balance their position in their relationship by not marking their partners, believing that their love is not something that should be restrained by biology, and should they ever part, the omega won't suffer alone because he/she can't mate anymore.

    it's what i love about the alphas in hanagara tsumi. they're much more considerate with their partners than most omegaverse stories. the fact that they acknowledge the privileges they have as an alpha and try to make their partners to be in equal standing is so precious to me, and honestly more omegaverse stories should try to have a healthier approach like this

    Peach November 3, 2019 2:01 pm
    no, i think it's totally fair. it's because alphas don't carry marks the way omegas do. once omegas are marked, they mate with the same person for life. the alpha can mate with several omegas. from the get go, ... shacchi

    My reply to this is the same reply as my first one. Read carefully.

    Kimiace November 3, 2019 2:59 pm
    Exactly because of the reasons the dad talked about, they want the omegas to be totally FREE, to make their own choice and not to stay with their alphas because they have to, if they want to leave someday they ... Noisymura

    but in there case they already love each other so they should become a pair and the alpha should bait him, and i dont think the omega will think of someone else in the future so i think its stupid, what will happen if he has his heat and some one bait him?? and is he going to use the bills all his life??

    Peach November 3, 2019 4:24 pm
    but in there case they already love each other so they should become a pair and the alpha should bait him, and i dont think the omega will think of someone else in the future so i think its stupid, what will h... Kimiace

    I know right

    Noisymura November 3, 2019 5:28 pm
    but in there case they already love each other so they should become a pair and the alpha should bait him, and i dont think the omega will think of someone else in the future so i think its stupid, what will h... Kimiace

    I agree that it's risky, and he'll have to be careful, they both seem fine with it so they should live as they want to. Look at Shuu's mom, his parents never bonded and yet they're still happily married and nothing happened to her as far as we know.

    Not every omega can find his pair and be bonded, some omega date each other some date betas so living with a bite isn't the only choice around, of course it means taking a risk while you could choose to be safe.

    "but in there case they already love each other so they should become a pair" feelings change, most people getting married believe in the "until death do us apart" and yet the number of divorce is still high. Being bitten means they can never leave for someone else. They want to be SURE that if they stay together even after years and many hardship it's by CHOICE and because of love.

    It's one of the very few omegaverse where the omega is left with choices and freedom so I applaud it tbh.

    Peach November 3, 2019 5:32 pm
    I agree that it's risky, and he'll have to be careful, they both seem fine with it so they should live as they want to. Look at Shuu's mom, his parents never bonded and yet they're still happily married and not... Noisymura

    There are 7 billion people on earth, just because his mother didn't get attacked doesn't mean he's not going to get attacked. Also as you saw the uke loved the seme for many years which means they will love each other until the end. Periodt.

    Peach November 3, 2019 5:35 pm
    I agree that it's risky, and he'll have to be careful, they both seem fine with it so they should live as they want to. Look at Shuu's mom, his parents never bonded and yet they're still happily married and not... Noisymura

    There's also the omegas unique pheromones to consider. When he goes into heat, his pheromones are stronger than a normal omega, which will attract more people and make them crazier, as you saw in the graduation ceremony.

    Sober Brazilian November 3, 2019 6:33 pm

    Its a Decision they made, every decision has pros and cons, to YOU cons are "heavier" to the author pros are "heavier" thats it.

    Author's choice is Pro: Omega-san being free for life, they can choose another partner whenever they want, cause you know life isnt a fairytle and most couple break up. Cons: Omega-san in danger of being biten by some random alpha among other things.

    You are assuming they gonna be in love forever and ever like snow white and prince charming, The author is assuming one day their partner could get bored and if they do they will have the choice to leave. Youre not wrong, the author isnt wrong either. Its a matter of priotizing things differenftly. I agree with author-san Freedom >>>>>>>>> anything else, tho you prefer Safety >>>> Freedom its fine.

    PS: there is also the DEATH possibility, imagine if Ayame marks him and then die a month later? Shuu is now sentenced to life to be alone. Every decision has its own risks. Shuu can be attacked, Ayame can die, Shuu might get bored of Ayame or vice-versa, anything can happen, in the end its a bet and there is no better choice cause no one can predict the future.

    Peach November 3, 2019 7:31 pm
    Its a Decision they made, every decision has pros and cons, to YOU cons are "heavier" to the author pros are "heavier" thats it. Author's choice is Pro: Omega-san being free for life, they can choose another pa... Sober Brazilian


    Peach November 3, 2019 7:31 pm
    Its a Decision they made, every decision has pros and cons, to YOU cons are "heavier" to the author pros are "heavier" thats it. Author's choice is Pro: Omega-san being free for life, they can choose another pa... Sober Brazilian

    Though it is kinda a fairytale..

    Sober Brazilian November 3, 2019 8:20 pm
    Though it is kinda a fairytale.. Peach

    You Should read this one (you can just read the 8.1) , author is all fluflly and make us all believe they had a really happy ending after 2 volumes and then BAAAAAAN!!! hit us like a truck. Its their story we never know what they gonna write on the next volume, it might end well it might not. A simple extra at the end can change everything. I wish there was no 8.1 chapter but..... After reading Paradise View I just cant assume things like that "its a fairytale" anymore. Premature Death can happen!!

    Sometimes authors decide to deliver a bitter ending out of nowhere so its best to dont assume anything that isnt written, like "Its a fairytale and they lived happily ever after,in love" We dont know that and thats why you are concerned about a possible attack to Shuu, if it really was a fairytale that would not be a problem at all cause in a fairytale they would have absolute hapiness no matter what. Also If the author randomly decides to put a "8.1" next volume its over, the "fairytale" is dead.

    Even so if youre assuming "it is kinda a fairytale" then there is no need for you to be concerned about cheating, being bitten for life by some stranger, cause it wont happen anyway, in a fairytale these things dont happen. By the fairytale logic, Shuu is free to make his own choices and its also safe from attacks like his mother. I dont see things this way btw, fairytales are meh to me Id rather think "shit" can happen.

    Peach November 3, 2019 9:16 pm
    You Should read this one (you can just read the 8.1) , author is all fluflly and make us all believe they had a really happy ending after 2 volumes and then BAAAAAAN!!! hit us like a truck. Its their story we n... Sober Brazilian

    I read that manga but did you know in fiction, in fairytale, when the story finishes, everything finishes ? There is no future, when it ends nicely, like this manga, it just ends nicely, that's it periodt, there is no what ifs.

    Sober Brazilian November 3, 2019 10:26 pm
    I read that manga but did you know in fiction, in fairytale, when the story finishes, everything finishes ? There is no future, when it ends nicely, like this manga, it just ends nicely, that's it periodt, ther... Peach

    Thats my point. You should not assume anything is going to happen, we should stick to whats written so far, cause a simple extra writen later on can change everything. But what would you call all of your concerns about Ayame possibly "being exposed to pheromones" or "Shuu being attacked" if not a bunch of What ifs? You just listed a bunch of What ifs that could ruin their life in the future because of their decision (to not bite) and now youre saying there is no what if, that everything ended nicely. So if everything ended nicely forget about all the what ifs you listed.

    Im gonna quote you ->> "What if they get exposed to a pheromones of a careles..." Acoording to you there are no what ifs, you have to decide if youre gonna take what ifs in consideration or not.

    I understand you though, you wanted them to bond to avoid possible(what ifs) problems, even though now youre saying there are no what ifs. Freedom has a price after all and there is always the What if Ayme dies...thats why I think its best to stick to what is written, they are happy, in love and FREE, no problems whatsoever untill next volume/extra, or forever if nothing else is written later on.