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Too many

Okarisu November 4, 2019 5:21 pm

I’m fine with isekai, but there’s too many reincarnation and getting trapped in otome/novels that it’s kind of ruining it for me, personally.

    Fantomeducouloir November 4, 2019 6:04 pm

    Hmmm it's true a lot of them tend to follow the same storyline (once I found two that had the exact same first chapter :/ ) but sometimes they're quite original / fun to read.
    There are some series in which I don't see the point of an isekai setting, tho. Like, if you're not exploiting the "first life" of the character, what's even the point of them having one? That's what ruins it for me, tbh... *mutters* so much angst potential, destroyed just like that *mutters*

    Okarisu November 4, 2019 6:58 pm
    Hmmm it's true a lot of them tend to follow the same storyline (once I found two that had the exact same first chapter :/ ) but sometimes they're quite original / fun to read.There are some series in which I do... Fantomeducouloir

    Another great point. Reincarnation for no reason.

    Fantomeducouloir November 4, 2019 9:40 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! shinks de coup

    That's a weirdly specific kink