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Season 2, Chapter 14!!

Cloe900311 November 6, 2019 1:52 pm

Thank you for the update! I cheered up after some drama with a supervisor ^^

It was HILARIOUS when Wolfgang's priority was to fix Soohyuk's glasses lol. Soohyuk prioritizing restoring Wolfgang's hair made sense, because we need the ruler to be protected lol. It's just so sweet that they think of each other first!! (≧∀≦) Their love is so precious to me <3

It was bittersweet when Wolfgang shared he regret not saving Dandelion... And we saw a field of dandelions to represent our loss ╥﹏╥ It's understandable why Wolfgang doesn't regret killing his father because the people benefited. (And Soohyuk is now free, no longer living as the previous king's possession ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~)

I want to know what Soohyuk's and Sys's fantasies were!! If Soohyuk had a romantic fantasy with Wolfgang, that's what I want to see! And the narration of Sys believing to have a solo ending, but now Wolfgang's dark-hair brother arrived... Will we get a side couple? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
