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Angel November 13, 2019 3:03 am

Spoiler !

Read at your own risk

So I would be really disapointed if it turned out Dina really was the goddess avatar or working for her at least...
not because I love her too mush no, but because it will be a little too obvious. It’s like putting a huge sign with “Here is the bad guy!!” written on it way too soon, taking the “plot twist motherf*cker” away.
So yeah I hope she is not fully on goddess side or if she is, make us believe in her again and trust her before...

    Sanquin November 17, 2019 1:14 pm

    I posted about this on one of the other posts a bit below. My most important point is, the author wrote SAO before this. He's not exactly known for subtlety or subversion so far.

    And the signs are fucking numerous. From her demon side persona being called "Venus" while the goddess is called "Arovenus", to her being able to use exgate, to her being able to manipulate the minds of others, to her clearly being behind most of the events that have happened including Lufasu being summoned instead of a hero in the beginning, and a few other signs. There's all this talk about the "goddess scenario" and she certainly makes everything go according to her wishes, or her "scenario".

    Honestly, if it turned out that she wasn't the goddess or at least an avatar at this point I'd be pretty upset. As that would mean we'd basically suddenly get a new antagonist out of the blue, without any foreshadowing. Which is stupid and lazy storytelling. Then again, once again, the author wrote SAO, so he might just do that...

    subreddit pewdiepie December 28, 2019 2:04 pm
    I posted about this on one of the other posts a bit below. My most important point is, the author wrote SAO before this. He's not exactly known for subtlety or subversion so far.And the signs are fuck... Sanquin

    nah the author didn't wrote sao, it's the same man who does the drawing not the same writter.

    Ryn January 27, 2020 9:00 pm
    I posted about this on one of the other posts a bit below. My most important point is, the author wrote SAO before this. He's not exactly known for subtlety or subversion so far.And the signs are fuck... Sanquin

    This is based off the light novel, so it's not written by the same author as SAO, just same artist