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I didnt like it that much, its true that nobleXservant is a taboo but refusing the person ...

Anonymous March 14, 2014 1:13 pm

I didnt like it that much, its true that nobleXservant is a taboo but refusing the person you love that much knowing he will be hurt? Really? The worst in this story was Laurent, indecisive, only thinks about himself and his feelings, without any self-confidence. Poor Richard having to abandon everything just because Laurent couldn't deal with the fact that his love was returned. If the master refused an engagement for you doesnt that mean that he loves you? Do you really have to abandon him afterwards? WTF I'M SO MAD. And Laurent just pissed me off even more. Hate little crybabies like him.

    Zomplode March 18, 2014 7:07 am

    Laurent did not only think about his own feelings. It pissed me off when you said that. You're right about him being indecisive, but i'm pretty damn sure that he thought of Arthur's position as a NOBLEMAN when he decided not to accept his feelings. Also, he thought about Clarice's feelings when he didn't accept Arthur, so don't even say that he thought about himself when he put the noble's position's and feelings above his own. Laurent if a beautiful character and should be respected, because he is very selfless.

    XIII March 24, 2014 4:24 pm

    Laurent way too selfless, so much that he seems to care only about his coscience, like "I didn't made him lose his status" and such... and by doing so he made his beloved suffer the most... I get what you said but still... anyway it's just my opinion.