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I ship Yonagi x Takemitsu so hard A normal cool dude fits her much better than all those c...

ArmSt November 18, 2019 9:29 pm

I ship Yonagi x Takemitsu so hard
A normal cool dude fits her much better than all those crazy actors

    superlocococo November 25, 2019 4:29 pm

    Yes Yes YESSSS. even when takemitsu was a minor character in death island, I was like plz have more screen time later so we can see you both fall in love. Honestly Takemitsu is just such a genuine character, who never saw yonagi as one to beat or that she only has talent. He sees her hard work and dedication and I was dying when he said I want to stand by your side!!! so cute, even tho I know its platonic.