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It's a funny manga and it didn't really focus on the fact that he fell in love with a stra...

andy March 14, 2014 5:18 pm

It's a funny manga and it didn't really focus on the fact that he fell in love with a straight person but mangas that have even the slightest touch of that issue just gets to me it's really sad to fall for someone who you know is straight D; I wish life was just a manga where people can turn gay just for the person they love. . . .Oh well ill just be here in my corner being lonely reading yaoi and wishing I can jump in the manga

    Mr. roboto March 14, 2014 5:24 pm

    The only person that would go running after me in an airport. . .is the airport security. . . :'[ this is our lives

    Anonymous March 18, 2014 10:02 pm

    @Mr.Roboto you Sir has made my day with that Comment and your right....HaHaHa! Wipes away tears

    Yhelia November 28, 2014 5:52 pm

    In Antique Bakery there's a Gay of Demonic Charm, who makes anyone who's his type fall for him. I find that concept hilarious.