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Chapter 4 felt genuine :))

Cloe900311 November 20, 2019 4:14 am

I read this chapter in the morning before leaving my house, which helped energize the sleepy me ~___~ I can totally imagine something like this happening in real life, and the reactions and emotions all felt very genuine to me.

I felt Minato falling in love with Naoki. I think it's genuinely a good sign when your family likes him, and he's been doing a great job at babysitting Nagisa (Minato's younger sister)! Even if you don't become a romantic couple, I would see someone like Naoki in a good light. And I think Naoki's gestures are very sweet! When Naoki used a towel to dry Minato's hair from the rain, I felt like I understood what Minato was feeling: the warmth of being taken care. :)) Naoki isn't doing that for any personal gain; he does it as a kind soul.

I agree with other readers that it would have been alarming if Naoki decided to pursue a relationship with Minato, after Minato confessed. I see that Minato was living in the moment, and he wasn't sure if he would see Naoki again. Even if it was a reckless confession, that may be better than never confessing at all, and then having questions about what would have happened if Minato did confess.

The way the characters are drawn is gorgeous. That body language when Minato had his head down, as he held onto Naoki's shirt, and confessed... Through Minato's hands, I felt him pleading -hoping- Naoki to come back to Minato's family's bed and breakfast for the summers to come. I also sensed sadness when Minato had his head down, because of that uncertainty -that possibility- of never seeing Naoki again :((

Maybe this story is focusing on timing. Minato is 15, but when he becomes an adult, his views will develop. Maybe by then, Naoki would have resolved whatever is on his chest. Maybe Naoki being a NEET is necessary for him to heal from the loss he faced in the past... :( And it would indeed be a coincidence if Minato's father's sister knows the friend (their classmate) Naoki lost and is grieving right now!

I know Sanada will play a role in the future. I genuinely hope Sanada and Minato don't date in the future, unless Minato genuinely falls in love with the friend who has always been by his side... Since this story will have time-skips and our main characters should reunite, I hope this doesn't become a messy love triangle ><

Overall, I did like seeing Minato's courage! The courage it takes to confess to someone is not always easy, but I'm glad Minato got his answer. He knows that Naoki is not denying Minato because they're the same-sex, but it's because Minato is a child; a 15-year-old. So, there is room to explore once Minato becomes an adult, and I'm looking forward to that :))
