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If that theory about Dabi being Touya is true, then it will be a really big blow to the re...

Midnight November 20, 2019 11:43 am

If that theory about Dabi being Touya is true, then it will be a really big blow to the reforming Endeavor and the budding Todoroki family :( I'm not a fan of his, but as of late Enji is starting to grow on me, so I would be very sad for him if that happened.

But then again it would be a good parallel for him with All Might, both having an unknown shadow in the past that could potentially break them:

All Might ===[the one he couldn't save]===> Shigaraki Tomura
Endeavor ===[the one he personally killed/drove to ruin]===> Touya/Dabi

    GoldenMochi November 20, 2019 5:47 pm

    yeah dude, i'm living for this telenovela