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this BL just hit me like a truck

hyoooru November 22, 2019 1:36 am

This kinda hurts.. that I could relate to Yanase even though it's fiction but it hurts to relate to a character. I've worked in an 3d animation industry before. Is no joke tbh. I had passion for it at first, it was really fun. The moment you start working & experiencing how difficult the industry is. It dries you out. Like there's times I wanted to give it my overall best but there's a limit to it because of the time & pressure of the deadlines that suddenly your admiration for what you love starts to fade & it pisses me off that my work seems half-assed a lot of time & my director would say it's fine it. I used to enjoy that passion I had & now that feeling is no longer there so when that part in chap 2 during their meeting they said, "If they love CG, then they'll enjoy their job." That hurts deep. That feeling where you worked in a place that you've always wanted to do but hearing your colleagues say things like 'I'm sure you'll enjoy this job because you love what you do' and I'm there silently nodding, knowing that I felt guilty that I no longer enjoys it. Also I can understand why Yanase couldn't answer to Kaneda like you wouldn't want to disappoint the person who admired you for your works in the past that you no longer have it now. Aaaahh I wanna give this two a big hug. And Kaneda is so pure so innocent you just don't wanna ruin his dream. I want them happy ;'(( Though I'm really surprised the author make a story based on the industry. I'm looking forward to this now.
