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Chapter 101: I listened to ONE OK ROCK's Wherever You Are

Cloe900311 November 24, 2019 3:56 am

The song is sung very, very passionately! The emotions in ONE OK ROCK's live performance is phenomenal. As I was reading, the lyrics aligned. I totally see why YuYang received flashbacks while listening to Yuan sing; the lyrics really express loving someone from the bottom of your heart, no matter where they are :) And that does portray YuYang and LiHuan's relationship, since they spent so much time as they developed from schoolmates, to friends, all the hurdles they overcame before being a couple...And now, they can be together happily, without restraints <3

I see how this song can be applicable to all three pairings, despite each of them having very different circumstances. If Yuan genuinely likes someone else, I could totally feel Huan Wen appreciating our guitarist where both parties are currently :) It hurts to not be reciprocated, but I felt through Huan Wen's smile...he's happy for Yuan. Yuan has finally performed, expressing the emotions from his heart. And if through this performance, Yuan can now confess to his crush... That's great for him, right? </3 (It hurts us to see Huan Wen on the sidelines though... ╥﹏╥)

I let out my raw feelings on Qiu and Uncle Pan here -> But I will say though... Listening to this song while rereading Qiu and Uncle Pan's moments had an impact on me. I felt Qiu's feelings for Uncle Pan even more passionately. Unlike me and probably other readers who were hurt that Uncle Pan left without saying a word, I FELT Qiu loving Uncle Pan genuinely and wholeheartedly. - Yes, Qiu and Uncle Pan don't have an incredibly deep relationship, but they were happy when they hung out. At least for Qiu, I felt the joy he felt to explore new experiences. I genuinely hope their relationship works out. I want them to be happy too. Qiu knows he wants to be with Uncle Pan, and now we're waiting for Uncle Pan's response... ><
