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t00be November 24, 2019 6:43 am

We do NOT need a rival. I just want things to go smoothly.

    blueblack November 24, 2019 8:03 am

    It would be interesting if they were "outed", it would force the public to either accept or reject the reality that gay actors exist, encouraging debate, and would mean they no longer have to hide and feel pressures of ruining each others careers. If they do get fired by their management, then maybe look at what legal reaction they could enforce for discrimination. As realistically, can they survive as a couple within the current secrecy dynamic?

    t00be November 24, 2019 10:32 am
    It would be interesting if they were "outed", it would force the public to either accept or reject the reality that gay actors exist, encouraging debate, and would mean they no longer have to hide and feel pres... blueblack

    Are you perhaps new to yaoi? In a yaoi manga setting, 95% of the time that would never happen because it's usualyl written for quick sex and entertainment. And if something similar did happen, it would never go as far as to be politically correct. It would be nice to read a story that's realistic in that sense, but even so I rather it just be smooth sailing for this story because I don't want angst.

    blueblack November 24, 2019 11:51 am
    Are you perhaps new to yaoi? In a yaoi manga setting, 95% of the time that would never happen because it's usualyl written for quick sex and entertainment. And if something similar did happen, it would never go... t00be

    Try to look out better yaoi then, and hold other releases by such standards.

    anonienonie November 24, 2019 3:19 pm
    It would be interesting if they were "outed", it would force the public to either accept or reject the reality that gay actors exist, encouraging debate, and would mean they no longer have to hide and feel pres... blueblack

    Are you aware of the IRL status of LGBT in Japan? It’s gotten a lot better in recent years, but what you’re describing is not something we will realistically see for quite a while. Whilst some fiction/yaoi does touch on the idea, from what I’ve seen, it’s always brushed ff as something that is so easily resolved ie either the fans accept their idols being gay or they completely brush it off to the side.

    Kumakuma November 25, 2019 11:38 am
    Are you perhaps new to yaoi? In a yaoi manga setting, 95% of the time that would never happen because it's usualyl written for quick sex and entertainment. And if something similar did happen, it would never go... t00be

    Go read shounen ai then..? It mostly centered in developing character and more smooth relationship. Some stories are realistic and not very angst tho...

    t00be November 27, 2019 6:43 am
    Go read shounen ai then..? It mostly centered in developing character and more smooth relationship. Some stories are realistic and not very angst tho... Kumakuma

    I meant I just didn't want angst in this particular story.
    I love me some shounen-ai but I also like a good dicking lol

    Kumakuma November 27, 2019 10:46 am
    I meant I just didn't want angst in this particular story.I love me some shounen-ai but I also like a good dicking lol t00be

    Not really trying to be rude or anything tho

    t00be November 27, 2019 11:17 am
    Not really trying to be rude or anything tho Kumakuma

    ?? I didn't think you were being rude.
    I also wasn't trying to be rude either. Sorry if it sounded hostile.