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wow i knew that since the beginning but seeing him closely again Chiwoo is not only cute b...

omichan2016 November 24, 2019 7:51 pm

wow i knew that since the beginning but seeing him closely again Chiwoo is not only cute but also has a beautiful face i cant find another word to describe that i mean his eyes colour and hair are just match sooo much aaaah he is just too good for Jihyun even though i feel bad for him since he loves Chiwoo for real but his way to express his love is just fucked up so much that is out of control it is more like possession obsession if i can call it by that any way i can,t ship someone like that who can not control themself with our cutiiie so Puppy wins they deserve each other and i hope they will end together other wise i can not accept it...i am sorry.
