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People don't appreciate Joowon, urgh...

LinaLauLiu November 26, 2019 5:12 pm

Reading the comments on how some people skipped Joowon and just want to see the sex scenes, giirllllll, are you serious???!!

As a writer myself, it's so great to see Yaoi can level up so much in terms of the stories and character development.
Especially Joowon in this story, oh my God, it's such a new story line that stirred up reader's emotion.

While I understand how Haesoo wants to explore his feelings, and of course that's such an amazing thing to do and move forward.
I also understand how Joowon has a mixed feeling about the "change".

Have you ever do something that you love to do, all this time you thought it was okay to do so, then suddenly slammed by someone saying you did something horrible?

People seem to forget that Haesoo was kinda like tsundere, where the "no" doesn't always mean "no".
Joowon was teasing Haesoo all the time and Haesoo was "seemingly" okay with that and suddenly one day Haesoo was seriously reject Joowon.

Now, since the early chapters, Haesoo had made it clear that he wants his mom to be back with Joowon's dad and the only thing that can make that happen is that by not pursuing any kind of relationship with Joowon other than ofc brothers.

If we put it into Joowon's prespective, he is stuck.
He can't move forward because Haesoo's guilt feeling towards his mom, so he will never accept Joowon as "boyfriend".
But Joowon clearly loves him so much and want to be with Haesoo.

It's all depends on Taku n Haesoo's development.
We'll see what kind of person Taku is.
I have a strong feeling that Taku is also still wondering about his feeling/relationship and him meeting Haesoo probably open his eyes.

I just want all of them to be happy.
