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Please help

Lei November 27, 2019 7:00 am

Im look for a manga that i read... it is about a man, an adventurer, who finish all the request and decided to have a vacation. While he was eating out side, his onigiri (i think) fell so he run to catch it because it roll until there is a hole where he fell unto another world. There he meet beautiful elf who was chasing by man (soldier i think) and she save her while he kill also a dragon(who was sleeping and woke up because of commotion). Then the village this elf lives was on famine and many was sick so they need foods and medicine where the men gave the meat (from dragon) and all of his potion... when he came back to his two roomate (girls) was waiting for him. One is originally a dragon and the other is a slime ithink...
