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Spanish Raws

    R.D December 14, 2019 11:40 pm

    Bless your soul, kind stranger

    Tsubame December 30, 2019 7:21 am

    Thank you very much that was gold!!

    rosett March 4, 2020 4:04 pm
    Bless your soul, kind stranger R.D

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    rosett March 4, 2020 4:04 pm
    Thank you very much that was gold!! Tsubame


    vaiduliuke March 20, 2020 10:16 pm

    I cannot believe I read that in spanish. Only onderstood a few words here and there.

    smileffy April 1, 2020 3:40 am

    Hiiii! I'm a Spanish native speaker. I'll translate it for you guys! Sorry if I make some mistakes :( I'll try my best!
    Oh, I don't remember the name of the little vampire boy so: Little vampire-boy

    Chapter 8
    Page 1
    Akihito: I'm sorry, give me a bit of this, please.
    Old lady: Sure!
    Old lady: Today you bought a lot and you seem to be in a good humor.
    Akihito: Eh?
    Old lady: Maybe something good happened?
    Akihito: No... same as always.

    Page 2
    Little vampire-boy: Even so, you look very happy, onii-chan.
    Akihito: Uwaa!
    Akihito: At... what... moment?
    Akihito: Em... excuse me?

    Page 3
    Little vampire boy: Uhm... I see...
    Akihito: Eh...?
    Old lady: Here you go!
    Old lady: Sorry for making you wait, here you go... onions and potatoes! I gave you some more!
    Akihito: Ah, thank you.
    Old lady: Are you okay with others?
    Akihito: Yes.
    Akihito: Ah, the boy that was here a moment ago...
    Akihito: He... ah?
    Akihito: He desaparead again...

    Page 4
    Masakado: Eh... So his smell got more intense (T/N: it could also be "stronger")?
    Little vampire boy: Yes.
    Masakado: Well, does that means he will get to turn?
    Masakado: Kazushige finally made a decision, right?
    Little vampire boy: Hey...

    Page 5
    Little vampire boy: Masakado-sama, do you want that onii-san to be happy?
    Little vampire boy: Or is it the opposite...?
    Masakado: I...

    Page 6
    Kazushige's daughter: Look, father, look!
    Kazushige's daughter: I got to do it right!
    Kazushige: Eh, show me.
    Kazushige's daughter: See! It's amazing, right?!
    Kazushige: Ah, it's so well done.
    Kazushige wife: This girl has always wanted to show it to you and she has practiced a lot.
    *You got that persevering part from your mom*
    He, who has lived rejecting "our world".

    Page 7
    I've been watching him.
    Till when will he be able to keep himself sane...
    It was obvious that soon enough it would be very painful.
    Wasn't it obvious that he would be forced?
    *Cleans up*
    That's why, in that time he gave up that.
    Masakado's thoughts: Uhm. What a silly man...
    If you would listen to what I say, I could make you smile.
    Kazushige's wife: Excuse me.
    Kazushige's wife: A piece of tofu, please.
    Old man: Ah...
    Old man: I'm sorry Tsuda-san, we've just run out of it.
    Tsuda: Ah, I see...
    Tsuda's thoughs: Neither here... where will I go next time.

    Page 8
    Woman 1: Did you know? About Tsuda's husband.
    Woman 2: I know! There's a rumor that he's a monster...
    Woman 3: No matter how many years go by he doesn't get old...
    Woman 1: Could that be true?
    Woman 2: It's true!
    Woman 2: I've known him for almost 20 years, and he hasn't changed at all.
    Woman 3: And her husband just goes out only at night.
    Woman 1: So creepy...
    Kazushige's daughter: I'm sick of it!

    Page 9
    Kazushige's daugther: It's father's fault that they're saying that I'm the monster's daughter!
    Tsuna: Hey! What are you saying to your father...!
    Kazushige's daugther: But it's the truth!
    *Leans on*
    Kazushige: A monster...

    Page 10
    Kazushige's daughter: Mother!
    Kazushige: Wait for me! Don't go, please!
    Tsuna: I'm asking you to take care of your father...
    Tsuna: I entrust him to you...
    Kazushige's daughter: I know, leave it to me, don't worry...
    Kazushige: I don't want... Please, wait...!

    Page 11
    Always, acting like a human...
    Masakado: Well... maybe...
    Masakado: He has become something that's interesting to watch.
    Little vampire boy: Is that right? Only that?
    Masakado: What do you mean?
    Little vampire boy: Uhm...

    Page 12
    Masakado: It's sweet...
    Kazushige: Hey... didn't you want to eat the croquettes?
    Akihito: I'm... I'm sorry... but.

    Page 13
    Akihito: In the end, I want to do it...
    Kazushige: Even tough you fried...!
    Akihito: I will make us both finish before it gets cold!
    Kazushige: It's not because of that! You really... yesterday and today too, you've been so impatient!
    Kazushige: I've had so much...
    Akihito: Me too... I'm so full that I can't even seem to control it.
    Akihito: Kazushige-san...
    Kazushige's thoughts: Uhhh... That's because you're young!!

    Page 14
    Akihito: I don't have other choice...
    Kazushige's thoughts: That's all because I pamper him too much...
    Kazushige: Aki... hito... wai-
    Akihito: Does it hurt too much?
    Kazushige: No...

    Page 15
    Kazushige: If you rub the entrance it feels weird...
    *Wet sound*
    Akihito: I thought it yesterday too... but...
    Akihito: Kazushige-san has a very sensitive body, right?
    Kazushige: Why do... you say that?
    Akihito: It's just that... You are already feeling like this... just from touching your butt...

    Page 16
    Akihito: For example, in your nipples...
    Akihito: You can't feel it so much
    Kazushige: Not specially...!
    Akihito: Eh...? Doesn't this place feel good?
    Akihito: Doesn't it feel good?
    Akihito: Ah. Like I thought so. They are so hard and erect...
    Kazushige: You...! You are doing this on purpose...!
    Akihito: No... you're wro-...
    It's obvious that he is doing it on purpose.
    Akihito's thoughts: He's so cute
    Kazushige: Alright... it's enough...

    Page 17
    Kazushige: Akihito... put it in. My body can't take it any longer than this...

    Page 18
    Akihito: Kazushige-san...! It feels so... Incredible...
    Akihito: Inside you... It's so warm... It seems that I'm going to come right away...

    Page 19
    Kazushige: Again?
    Akihito: It's Kazushige-san's fault that I'm so lewd!
    Akihito: Here is also so wet...
    Kazushige: You make me look like a pervert-
    Akihito: It's just... That's how it really is...!

    Page 20
    Akihito: In every aspect... Look... all of this is so erotic...
    Kazushige: No... I don't want to... you're wrong...

    Page 21
    Akihito: I like it... a lot...

    Page 23
    Kazushige: At the end, it got cold...
    Akihito: Uh... I'm... I'm sorry...
    Akihito: But! Even though it's cold I'm sure it will be delicious...
    Kazushige: If it's hot it tastes so much better.
    Akihito: Come on... cheer up, please.

    Page 24
    Kazushige: Yes? ¡! Masakado...
    Masakado: Hi, are you happy in this moment? We've arrived at the right time.
    Well, well, even if you don't say so... excuse me.
    Kazushige: As if I'd want you to get in! Go away!
    Masakado: Don't say something so cold.
    Akihito: Kazushige-san, what's happening...?
    Masakado: Oh, there you are.
    Akihito: You...

    Page 25
    Masakado: Are you ready to be turned?
    Akihito: Eh.
    Masakado: Are you fully enjoying it?
    Akihito: Yes... I'm happy.
    Masakado: I see... So you'd also become one of us, right?
    Kazushige: Masakado!

    Page 26
    Masakado: Am I wrong? Are you still saying that?
    Kazushige: It has nothing to do with you!
    Masakado: Hey. Are you going to leave and leave him alone?
    Akihito: Eh?

    Page 27
    Masakado: Don't you think that he's seen so many sad and pitiful things till now?
    Akihito: That's...
    Kazushige: You... what do you think are you saying about me?! Since the beginning, you were the cause of all this!

    Page 28
    Masakado: I'm talking to him.
    Masakado: So... have you tried to immagine it? When you die, the face he will make? And even so, you plan to leave him?

    Page 29
    I... To Kazushige-san... Leave, leaving him...
    Someone (Kazushige or Masakado): Akihito

    smileffy April 1, 2020 4:13 am

    So! Chapter 9

    Page 1
    All the time he has suffered and mourn, you've never seen it, right?

    Page 2
    Kazushige: Akihito!
    Kazushige: Don't be fooled by his words! He just want to make it more interesting for himself!
    Akihito: Kazushige-san...
    Masakado: Hey... to make it more interesting... that's an unfair critique.

    Page 3
    Masakado: Wouldn't you like an answer that told you what is the right thing to do? Akihito.
    Akihito: Eh?
    *Cut in*
    Kazushige: I don't have any intention to keep up with your games. Don't involve us.

    Page 4
    Masakado: Don't you have any intentions to change?

    Page 5
    Kazushige: What do you mean by that?
    Masakado: It's nothing
    Kazushige: Masakado!
    Akihito: Kazushige-san...
    Little vampire boy: Excuse me...

    Page 6
    Little vampire boy: This. If you'd like, brothers can have it.
    Akihito: What do we do..?
    Kazushige: Throw it away!
    Akihito: But even tough he asked us...

    Page 7
    This is...
    Kazushige: I don't have any idea what may them have inside. Throw them away!

    Page 8
    Akihito: They where just choux a la creme. It looks delicious, should we it them?
    Kazushige: I don't want any!

    Page 9
    Akihito: Good work today
    *Search for*

    Page 10
    Masakado: Have you ever tried to immagine it? And even so, you still plan to leave and leave him alone?
    I've already thought about it. In whichever way he wants and allows for me to be by his side, or that's what I thought.
    However, was I wrong? The answer... exactly, what would it be?

    Page 11
    Akihito: Yes? Sorry... I'm...
    Masakado: Ah.

    Page 12
    Masakado: I was waiting for you. You are coming, right? I'll send someone to pick you up.
    Akihito: Eh... ah... this...
    *Hangs up*
    Akihito: Pick me up...

    Page 13
    Little vampire boy: This way, onii-chan.
    Akihito: Eh... Not yet!
    LVB: Let's go... Masakado-sama is waiting.
    Akihito: Since when you've been here...?
    LVB: I've been here the whole time onii-chan was working...

    Page 14
    Akihito: It's been so cold, right?
    *Places gently*

    Page 15
    LVB: I don't need it
    Akihito: Little kids don't need to endure it. Let's go?
    LVB: It's warm.

    Page 16
    Kazushige: Extra hours? It's getting late...
    Kazushige's thoughts: Even tough he said he would be making burgers...
    Kazushige: I'll take one?

    Page 17
    Kazushige: Although I don't even have to wait for him!!
    ... Hurry up and come back.

    Page 18
    Akihito's thoughts: It's so big... Do they live together in this mansion? What would that person's be?
    Kazushige-san... If you'd know that I'm here, you'd get mad, right?
    Akihito's thoughts: I came here without telling you anything...
    LVB: I brought him, Masakado-sama.

    Page 19
    Masakado: Ah, you did a great job.

    Page 20
    Masakado: This... did he gave it to you?
    LVB: Yes.
    Masakado: How nice.
    LVB: Yes...
    Akihito: Excuse me...

    Page 21
    Akihito: What's the answer? You think that my conclusion is incorrect, am I right?
    Masakado: Even if it wasn't incorrect...

    Page 22
    Akihito: It's Kazushige's desire that...
    Masakado: I have an idea.
    Akihito: Eh?
    Masakado: That Kazushige doesn't turn you into a vampire... what do you think about forever being by Kazushige's side?
    Akihito: Does that method even exist?

    Page 23
    Masakado: Ah... it does...
    Akihito: Tell me please! What is that way?

    Page 24
    Masakado: I'll turn you into a vampire.

    Page 25

    smileffy April 1, 2020 4:27 am

    I'll translate the last one on friday! Hope it can help someone that didn't understand sh*t lol bye :3

    rapmonlover April 2, 2020 3:43 pm
    I'll translate the last one on friday! Hope it can help someone that didn't understand sh*t lol bye :3 smileffy

    thank you for your hard work ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Eto-chan April 8, 2020 4:55 am

    Its completed?

    smileffy April 8, 2020 1:28 pm
    Its completed? Eto-chan


    jamdanmue April 17, 2020 2:58 am
    So! Chapter 9Page 1All the time he has suffered and mourn, you've never seen it, right?Page 2Kazushige: Akihito! *Flinch*Kazushige: Don't be fooled by his words! He just want to make it more interesting for him... smileffy


    smileffy April 17, 2020 8:38 am

    Oooooobviosly! I hate when I read raws and don’t understand sh*t lol I totally forgot to translate the last chapter! I’ll do it tomorrow for sure

    zerozkyz May 22, 2020 1:12 am
    Hiiii! I'm a Spanish native speaker. I'll translate it for you guys! Sorry if I make some mistakes :( I'll try my best!Oh, I don't remember the name of the little vampire boy so: Little vampire-boyChapter 8Page... smileffy

    thanks so much for this translation!!

    zerozkyz May 22, 2020 1:13 am
    Its completed? Eto-chan

    nope, there's one more volume. The Korean version (completed) can be found here:

    zerozkyz May 22, 2020 1:13 am
    So! Chapter 9Page 1All the time he has suffered and mourn, you've never seen it, right?Page 2Kazushige: Akihito! *Flinch*Kazushige: Don't be fooled by his words! He just want to make it more interesting for him... smileffy

    Thanks so much for your translation and effort!

    waowao123 February 15, 2021 6:30 am
    Oooooobviosly! I hate when I read raws and don’t understand sh*t lol I totally forgot to translate the last chapter! I’ll do it tomorrow for sure smileffy

    Is it a happy emding?

    smileffy February 15, 2021 1:13 pm
    Is it a happy emding? waowao123


    waowao123 February 15, 2021 2:03 pm
    yay! smileffy

    Can u send the link for the raws please because i tried clicking on it amd it doesnt work for me. Can u send it again please

    smileffy February 15, 2021 5:12 pm
    Can u send the link for the raws please because i tried clicking on it amd it doesnt work for me. Can u send it again please waowao123

    I don’t have them sorry :,( I read it from the first link and I don’t know why it’s down.