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bit confused. So Jay remembers again, this time instead of turning into zain with anger he...

BelladonnaDeadlyNightshade November 29, 2019 10:54 pm

bit confused. So Jay remembers again, this time instead of turning into zain with anger he turned into for a moment and then back into Jay and felt bad for what he did in the past? Now he will have dinner with nance whom seems to be in love with jay from the past.
Werwolf is not 'married' to a naive leader in order to save Jay. And keeps getting distracted by the bigger picture.
And then... this cute tiny werewolf one? Is this a side story or day dream or alternate reality to the one we been reading?

    Fernando February 10, 2021 9:50 am

    Alternate reality, probably side story in the middle of the real story