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Im a christian myself. but unlike others im open minded to things like this coz i saw it i...

addicted to yAOI March 19, 2014 4:10 am

Im a christian myself. but unlike others im open minded to things like this coz i saw it in my own eyes.. not all priests are dedicated to their oath.. i know some who have so many children with differnt women,,

    addicted to yAOI March 19, 2014 4:13 am

    but MY FAITH and MY LOVE TO GOD trancends religion,, it doesnt bind me,, that explain why im a yaoi addict myself,, hehe.. so brothers and sisters dont take this story as offending or insulting our religion.. what is important is you yourself respects GOD,, isnt that what matters?? it is not religion it is FAITH that counts

    anicchi-tan December 3, 2014 10:53 pm
    but MY FAITH and MY LOVE TO GOD trancends religion,, it doesnt bind me,, that explain why im a yaoi addict myself,, hehe.. so brothers and sisters dont take this story as offending or insulting our religion.. ... @addicted to yAOI

    please be my friend¡