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Typical Chinese rape romance. Don't read.

D ace November 30, 2019 7:49 pm

Typical Chinese rape romance. Don't read.

    YAOIfan0324 December 2, 2019 3:23 am

    This is exactly why I stopped reading Chinese mangas for a while#-.-)

    D ace December 2, 2019 6:08 am
    This is exactly why I stopped reading Chinese mangas for a while#-.-) YAOIfan0324

    Yup, evn if there was such a thing as rape romance or Stockholm syndrome, etc.. In a Japanese manga or Korean manhwa, at least It's done interestingly with a well thought out plot and it keeps us engaged, or evn if it's shit, at least one thing we can look forward to is the uncensored version, but these Chinese manhuas are always just so hateful, and super over exaggerated that It's not evn funny and it always put me in a bad mood,ALSO, these Chinese comics are always so sexist, always with the unfeeling cold hearted bastard selfish guys, and the extremely stupid naive forgiving girls,AND they absolutely do not have anything such as creative writing or originality at all, everything is just copy paste and everyone knows it, it's not evn a plot anymore.AND, notice how in every Chinese comic, It's always unnecessarily long and stretched out? That's cuz they only think about the quantity and money value, It's a marketing strategy,keeping the readers in suspense and the longer the series is,no matter how shitty it is, it will have more readers and more popular, so, yeah, It's embedded in a Chinese soul that only money matters, not the quality, that's why these Chinese comics are so over popular no matter how shitty it is.

    YAOIfan0324 December 3, 2019 1:57 am

    Exactly there was one comic I liked but it was so fucking and it would never stop Chinese people are generally sexist (︶︿︶)=凸