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One step forward and two steps back.

Shindere December 1, 2019 12:15 am

No matter how much you look or act like someone else, you can never become them. Why? Because you'll always know that you're not them. Self awareness is a powerful thing when it comes to one's identity. One's self worth and one's personal value.

Kaoru lived most of his life thinking that he was pretending to be dead. Cause as long as there is one other person who can see him for who he truly is, he is still alive. Sadly, he realized that there is no one like that in his life. The only thing that people see when they look at him is Kaede. That's when he realize that he was not pretending to be dead. He has been dead all this time. His sister is the one who survived and he was the one who died. That is the conclusion that he's come to.

    RoeBunny January 12, 2020 2:37 pm

    And with this explanation, is where I cry again. ╥﹏╥