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Searching for a BL...

Oyakodon December 2, 2019 3:29 pm

Hi! I wanted to share a BL I read a while ago with my friend, but I can't remember it's title! The setting was about a boy who works as a prostitute, but it's kind of a roleplay kind of prostitution. He's very good at his job and likes it very much. But one day, when accompanying someone of his family to the hospital he falls in love with their doctor/nurse, and since then, he can't get into character for his roleplays with his clients! He's going to quit his job, until there's this client who requests him to be blindfolded and I think that he even needs to be tied to a chair and turns out his client this time is his crush!
That's the most detailed explanation I can think of, and I'd be thankful if anyone could help me!!
