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Ruri December 5, 2019 9:13 pm

Is it just me, or is Nao getting kinda annoying?
Man I just want Ritsu to confess, and can the two of then be happy for like 5 seconds? Is that to much to ask, I kinda dislike all the drama thrown into their relationship, oh boy.
But also, from reading the comments and then catching up on the actual chapters myself, it's not as bad as everyone seems to be making it out to be?
My main problem is the whole Nao thing but that's really just me. (I mean letting a guy who is in love with you live with you? Kinda yikes, that would hurt me too if I was takano, like honestly I feel like takano keeps getting hurt over and over but nobody seems to talk about that? but yeah that rape scene was a bit unnecessary but at this point I blame the author not the character.)
But yeah, Nao, I liked him fine until her was trying to pull the whole "be with me, I'll treat you better, hnhnhn I'm the better pick, get over that other guuuuy) like I'm sorry what? Go away man.
