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But isn't it the same as having a type? The girls I've liked had similar looks tbh

Julieta123 December 6, 2019 8:03 am

But isn't it the same as having a type? The girls I've liked had similar looks tbh

    parkbogomi December 6, 2019 12:33 pm

    r u kidding -_- u r not even close bcz no one put u in this terrible situation, u r taking it lightly but when the one u r REALLY in love with choose u bcs u look like his ex u will feel agony i know that bcz i experienced smth like that, it is not about u it is about the other one's feeling same goes here in this manga, it is not about blondie it is about the other one's feelings, i won't go for everyone looking like my ex bcz it is not " having a type" it is INSANE

    Abi December 6, 2019 1:08 pm

    Tbh after my first breakup, I completely came to hate anyone who looked like him. I used to think he was my type, but after that horrid breakup it made me hate everything about that type. Not saying that others would be feeling the same way as me, just that it's not easy to fall for someone who looks like your ex.

    Akino_Yonaga December 6, 2019 2:22 pm

    I don't know, I think both of them just happened to be his type. I like men with dark hair and brown eyes. My ex was really thin and had curly black hair, and my current bf is chubby and mostly bald, but both are dark-haired and brown-eyed. One of them had a thing for green-eyed redheads and the other for blue-eyed blondes, and I have dark hair and dark eyes, so I don't know. Should they feel insecure because I like those features regardless of who has them, or should I feel insecure because I feel they settled for me since I'm not their type?

    Sai2216 December 6, 2019 4:45 pm

    Didnt he admit it as much that what attracted him was he looked liked his ex. Im glad that they can be honest with each other, and they can talk openly about this. (also because i had had enough of the cliche that they cool off because of miscommunication). But also learning about the fact that they do look alike gives the partner insecurities. Its different about just being a type, especially if you also find out that it has been years since and no relatioship in between.