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Okay here is the thing. The whole art is so bad thing isn't that serious. If I want toner ...

Furuichi Bishounen March 24, 2014 2:19 am

Okay here is the thing. The whole art is so bad thing isn't that serious. If I want toner and sparkling, I'll read a shoujo. But nothing kills any story quicker for me then a bishie convention. This was published in 1999. Different times and different style. Just say you don't like the art and move on. What is up with all the, it is so this and that:(

    Arima September 4, 2014 7:08 am

    Um here's the thing. No one, and I repeat NO ONE, shoujo sparkles and toner. We're expecting to read a yaoi manga by an artist who the very least have a basic understanding oh how the human anatomy works. The artist who drew this CLEARLY does not have that understanding. I've read plenty of 90's yaoi with art that is ten times better than this! I believe everyone's dissatisfaction with this story is completely justified.

    Arima September 4, 2014 7:10 am

    *NO ONE expects

    Anonymous June 11, 2015 10:12 pm
    Um here's the thing. No one, and I repeat NO ONE, shoujo sparkles and toner. We're expecting to read a yaoi manga by an artist who the very least have a basic understanding oh how the human anatomy works. The ... @Arima

    Nope, you clearly haven't read many, once you actually try to read plenty of yaoi manga in the 90's you will swallow your words. Yes there are some with better art, but most are a lot worse than this (like chins that can pierce through a wooden board, or feet that are longer than an arm lol)Another thing, a lot of newly born fujoshi's do expect sparkles like in the shoujo genre and toners. They may not notice it, but most yaoi manga's have those sparkles and toners, a lot of ukes act girly, (love stage, etc) and there's nothingwrong with that. A lot of experienced fujoshis care more about the story than art. Another thing, what if the mangaka wants them to look exactly like that. Its the same with other mangakas who draws girls with tits bigger than their upper body. What if she actually likes her characters to be out of proportion?

    This manga is fiction, some say that some of the stories are unrealistic seriously? *facepalm*
    and lastly...HOW can you say that a READER'S DISSATISFACTION of a STORY be JUSTIFIED by the ART of the manga? ヽ(`Д´)ノ
    If a reader did not enjoy the story because of the art, then it entirely falls on the art and not the story, it just means that they didn't give the story a chance. If a reader didn't liked the story regardless of the art, it means the actual plot is not to his/her liking. I personally liked most of the manga (and the art too), but some stories are not to my liking, like the one with the dead classmate.

    ....youre still young bruh, I bet you're one of those that does enjoy a bishie-convention sort of manga
    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
    If you say you are not then try reading some gengoro tagame and other works of mangakas like him (most are pretty fu*ked up but some are tolerable and can be sweet too.) then we'll talk