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Can anyone spoil the raws?

Ladli December 13, 2019 5:56 am

Just saw the raws for this webtoon. But couldn't understand a thing. Can anyone spoil it?? Specially the chapter where she pulled out her chain that had the ring. And about the brother. What's the deal with him??

    Amnesia's Heroine December 14, 2019 6:10 am

    well so far, she seems to be having. a rocky relationship with her late mother and her guard take her out to a temole. and we see past memories of her and Dowon at the rock grave she set up and for some reasons he kicks it and prob says some bs about how you cant be sentimental and shit then like a crying face appears on our queen while he has a that serious scary face. Later we see her come back and the guard gives her coat when going back to her bedroom she keeps the coat and the purple bench goes to Dowon and hes like you were out and she was like yeah I was and hes like what were you doing and she was like I watched the guard and the queen so shes basically tattling and hes like I didnt tell you to do that and she was like but i- and gets intruppted and later the next day we see that our queen still has the guards coat and Dowun visits her and takes her to the royal shrine for the deceased. and then stuff happens and Dowuns brither comes back in like ch 39

    honestly wish there was a movel because its so hard to wait
    i want to see the purple bench see the reality of the situation no matter what Dowun needs our Queen and not her, the bench is the real tool here and like if needed she would be dropped or killed like that
    and she doesnt even realize the power of our queen
    she can handle things with Dowun to an extent the only reason he deals with this stuff which makes her seem useless is because she is indebted to him. if she had gotten the help from another and didnt meet Dowun then he would be the more useless one
    she only thinks that our queen is useless since she is basically in love with Dowun

    Ladli December 14, 2019 10:18 am

    So the female guard is basically delusional enough to believe someone like Dowun would even look at her that way when he could sacrifice his own brother for the so called "greater good" Of his clan!?

    Amnesia's Heroine December 15, 2019 4:45 am

    Basically well that’s what I’m speculating because I can’t read Korean