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Well I thought it would be fun reading...

Chuntae December 13, 2019 9:01 am

I was looking for something fun to read to avoid the reality but welp now I am on the feel trip. Don't get me wrong the author captivated perfectly what a romantic relationship is, but ouch, the truth hurts.

When I was at Subin's age, I made mistake too. I was hanging onto someone I should'nt have, I was so pathetic hanging on a fake love. I didn't even love that person to that extent but damn I was so hopeless and miserable. Now I realized that it wasn't love, it was just me didn't want to be alone.

I doubt then would there a real love? What we are doing now is just findin someone who is the most comfortable to be with.

Like, we're just dust in the wind.

    mosh_17 December 14, 2019 2:35 am

    Agreed, but not for me, the boy I'm loving rn it's been 5 years I think, idk if he has idea how much I cared for him hahaha kinda scared to confess because I'm thinking I might severe the friendship we have but I guess what I wanted is confirmation, if he says no, I tthink I'll just move on smh dunno, I think my brain is broken af