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It's a happy, gentle fairytale with bittersweet elements tied to it. It's sad when you par...

Anonymous December 14, 2019 9:39 am

It's a happy, gentle fairytale with bittersweet elements tied to it. It's sad when you part with someone and you know you'll never meet them again. It would've been easier if the person was someone you disliked or someone whose personality was bad. They say it's better to have met someone and then part ways, than to never meet at all; but sometimes I think if they're going to take away a piece of your heart, causing you great anguish, the out of self-preservation it's better to not have met at all. But then you have the memories you have together to cherish, and the lessons you've learned with them, or simply a little shard of memory to cherish forever, so that's why even if it's painful, it's a sweet pain, and maybe when time has worn away majority of the sadness, and all that's left is a dull ache, it will just be another beautiful dream. I'm tearing up as I type this. I'm just glad that Lara and Sujin are together, and that at least, at least that guy (Arden?) Had met her and spoken with her, and even gave her a ring so there's something to remember him by. At least the big foot had known his mother, even for a short while. At least in spite of the pain, and the sadness, there was still happiness through it all.
