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I would have given this a 10/10 if only the love story with the actual main characters wer...

Fist Me Daddy May 9, 2020 6:26 pm

I would have given this a 10/10 if only the love story with the actual main characters were more longer.
Half of the story revolves around the character development of the people around the princess and we rarely see the female lead in action until the second half of the show. (When she shows up on scene it's like she's ignorant about everything). And even the second half of the show is a lot about the king of hell's brother

There wasn't really any character development and progression between the princess and the king of hell. More like it was rushed.

I did like the ending and the other characters but i just couldnt like the female lead and male lead because there wasnt really anything to them other than the past and their quick love story
