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Well somehow I found this chapter a bit boring...

Lyr March 28, 2014 4:33 pm

Well somehow I found this chapter a bit boring...

    ???? March 28, 2014 4:59 pm

    what!? boring!? what's wrong with you dude? it's not boring at all.

    Corona March 28, 2014 6:19 pm

    I couldn't agree with more @Lyr

    umm how March 28, 2014 6:39 pm

    it was a huge turning point. Nanao admitting to himself he thought they'd break up anyway, explaining why he still had so many doubts and then huge confession from kuon full of honesty you rarely see in any BL manga. The nice tie in to the past and Nanao finally letting all his pain out, which is going to lead to him gaining confidence in his relationship and life. What does plot bore you or something? smh

    @Lyr and @Corona March 28, 2014 7:00 pm

    go read Boku no Pico then :)

    it would be nice to explain your opinion March 28, 2014 7:12 pm

    because if not, someone might think that you are just a thirteen-year-old bimbo or thinks like one who can't appreciate what plot development is because it lacks sex in it and that hinders you to fap. OR a frustrated virgin who can't get laid but gets off reading gay porn and you're disappointed that there's no sex here.

    so which one are you?

    Lyr March 28, 2014 7:54 pm

    I see that I can't even think that it was boring... well sorry lol I didn't say it was bad and it's not because there weren't any sex scenes! As I see it you're the one who seems to be 13 years old --"

    Maybe I expected something else dunno... I just didn't like all the "flashback" I find the way they made up a bit easy Though it's good they made up...

    To me it didn't seem like Nanao will gain that much confidence from this though I am probably wrong

    It's not like Nanao wanted to break up March 28, 2014 8:08 pm

    So making up isn't exactly hard to do. They also aren't obviously 100% okay yet, but are getting there.

    Though the flashback was one of the best things about the chapter to me, so I guess opinions differ.

    and that's why it's nice to explain your opinion March 28, 2014 8:29 pm

    because it gives room for further discussion and clear out some initial impression towards a person behind a comment.

    as i see it, i guess the chapter just did not meet your expectations because you pretty much did not like the main key points presented and resolved in this chapter.

    with regards to Nanao, it would be answered next chapter if he did or did not gain confidence from Kuon's support and encouragement. although, i wonder why would anyone doubt that it would help him cope when t

    and that's why it's nice to explain your opinion March 28, 2014 8:33 pm

    because it gives room for further discussion and clear out some initial impression towards a person behind a comment.

    as i see it, i guess the chapter just did not meet your expectations because you pretty much did not like the main key points presented and resolved in this chapter.

    with regards to Nanao, it would be answered next chapter if he did or did not gain confidence from Kuon's support and encouragement. although, i wonder why would anyone doubt that it would help him cope when the person who matters to Nanao most puts rest his fears and insecurities by stating the opposite of what Nanao thinks of himself.

    Lyr March 28, 2014 10:08 pm

    Well in the past didn't Kuon already said he loved him? and also told him to stop putting himself down? That didn't stop Nanao from being so insecure... I can understand why though ><
    That's why I thought that this time he could not gain much confidence either but still probably better than before

    Anyway I didn't think this comment would generate such a response... will never post any comment on this manga ever again.

    @Lyr March 28, 2014 10:45 pm

    there are earlier comments here regarding the chapter from people who were complaining & disappointed/bored because there's no sex scenes. maybe that is the reason why your unelaborated comment was classified as one of those.

    Anonymous March 29, 2014 12:31 am

    I agree with you, this chapter was quite boring and not because it lacked an m-rated scene, but because of the fact that nothing actually happened in it. Character growth? Sure, but that was predictable considering the way the previous chapter endedand as such wasn't all that exciting.

    Character growth isn't boring March 29, 2014 1:03 am

    You can go read the other two couples if you think it's boring. There is none to be seen in their stories.

    @Anonymous March 29, 2014 1:33 am

    now let me hear your personal groundbreaking plot twist which you would like the story could've gone to since character growth and plot development don't impress you. oh, i am expecting a Star Wars or Sixth Sense kind of 'exciting and eventful' plot twist coming from you btw since i think you can pretty much deliver, am i right?

    lol i didn't think that one would expect much from a Sakuraga Mei series March 29, 2014 2:41 am

    to think how she fucked up or is still stuck with the other couples yet it's quite apparent that she makes the Mujihi series a more decent read. this chapter is actually more than i expect from her because i was worried that she will ruin the only decent couple that she has for the most part of MnKarada.

    Nao March 29, 2014 11:34 am

    Let&rsquo;s see the developmental route she could have taken which is most definitely not 'Star Wars or Sixth Sense kind of 'exciting and eventful''. In Mujihi na Anata and Otoko, Koun's character has a wild streak to it which is both unpredictable at times and is exciting. Let&rsquo;s take the first chapter of Otoko for example, where Koun out of the blue calls Nanao by his name, that point develops a reader&rsquo;s interest because if he had continued with Shirahine-san, it wouldn't have made him any different from many other semes, and then in the next chapter, the way his friends speak about him, it makes you expect greater things out of Koun when he is represented with a similar situation to that hypothetical one, followed by the one scene where a female student is flirting with him and failing miserably, and the toilet scene later, it gives a lot of insight to the character, but even so, the next chapter is enjoyable. And in the first part (Otoko), the mangaka has established this fact that Satonaka sensei and Nanao are quite similar in their approach to certain matters whilst Koun is decidedly different, that is why I fail to understand why that point needs reestablishment in such detail as to render the chapter boring. It&rsquo;s true that Nanao suffers from a sort of inferiority complex and has this air of indecision wherever Koun is concerned, but in the third (?) chapter of Karada, in Nanao&rsquo;s thoughts, the mangaka showed that for Nanao, the physical aspect of their relation makes him feel secure and since as the story develops and the image thus projected that Satonaka may have slept with Nanao, I personally think that whilst Koun is considerable and has seemed to mature in the latest development, that wild and possessive part of him should have, not exactly forced himself upon Nanao, but assured him physically because that is what Nanao is comfortable with and would&rsquo;ve understood instead of the words of any kind which Koun may have said considering that instead of the usual love proclamation &lsquo;tsuki&rsquo;, Koun went for a far more impactful and impressionable &lsquo;aisheteru&rsquo; and even then it took physicality for Nanao to believe in his words. Apart from that, this chapter lacks the subtle action element to it which is a characteristic trait of koun and his blunt yet witty remarks which make a situation interesting. It almost seems as if Koun is brooding the entirety of the latter half of the story completely in contrast with what happened in Anata where he took charge.
    I agree that my thought process and the way I possibly interpreted the characters might not make much sense to some people, but I stand correct when I say that the mangaka could&rsquo;ve done better had the chapter been not comprised of flashbacks, but actual story development which would&rsquo;ve made it worth the wait. I dind&rsquo;t exactly tell the plot, but the points which I wished to see in it however the plot went.
    Sorry if I seem rude or highly opinionated, but it is what I personally think, if you don&rsquo;t agree with it, you just don&rsquo;t. I didn&rsquo;t ask you to agree and go with my opinions regarding the story development because everyone thinks and interprets to the best of their mental capabilities and you can&rsquo;t force anyone to think above their mentality.

    lol March 29, 2014 12:03 pm

    Okay. What. Nanao feels his body is the only thing of value to Kuon. That's an extremely UNHEALTHY way to think. He should not only feel secure in his relationship during sex either. That's not the way he should have to be comforted either. Kuon should have not reinforced those thoughts by "not exactly forcing him" into sex after he was sexually assaulted. WTF seriously.

    Chapter 3 of this story in the hotel was actually a pretty depressing sex scene. Nanao is using his body to try to say things he should be saying out loud, but he was unable to be open with Kuon about his worries because of his insecurities about their relationship.

    In this chapter, Nanao needed to hear the words that he was loved for everything he is, good side and bad sides, and not to be f%cked again by Kuon. He did not need to be physically comforted. He needed emotional support and comfort. The physical I'm sure will come next, but Kuon can sense well enough that physically touching Nanao (he was hesitate to even touch his shoulder) was something that needed to be done gradually.

    I really fail how to see why you are annoyed by the Satonaka and Nanao point being reiterated again, but basically are bothered Kuon didn't do the exact same thing he did the volume before to solve the issue at hand. This volume is about character growth. Kuon had it this chapter and I expect a secure and happy Nanao soon as well.

    And btw, your mentality isn't so high nobody can understand it. The whole point of what the author is trying to do just flew over your head.

    @Nao March 29, 2014 12:10 pm

    you mean to say that Kuon should have fucked Nanao's brains out because physical intimacy is the only way that Nanao would feel secure? Nanao who just went through being sexually and emotionally violated should be fucked by his possessive lover? LOL. you just stated what is the most predictable thing Kuon could've done and that thing don't need to be ~reestablished~. ironic that you find the "reestablishments" of some aspect in the story boring but still suggested a plot development that would not much deviate to the usual Kuon/Nanao dynamics.

    also, if you still don't know about it, having sex with a sexually abused person in a vulnerable state is as douchebag as anyone can become and sorry if Kuon didn't choose to be one instead he was mature in dealing with his distressed lover who only thinks that his body is the only thing he could offer Kuon that's why Nanao uses sex to make himself feel ~secure~ instead of talking things out with Kuon.

    i'm sorry if Sakuraga Mei inclined to the more healthy yet vanilla route in progressing their relationship rather than the volatile, unhealthy one.

    Nao March 29, 2014 12:16 pm

    I didn't mean that my mentality is higher than yours or anything, what I meant was that everyone interprets a situation according to their mentality and their thought process, it isn't necessary that you should share my point of view since I do not share yours.
    I wasn't criticising your opinion, just justifying mine, everyone's allowed that privilege and I for one, am not as immature as to argue with someone online who can't contain his negativity towards another's opinion just because they don't agree with it and I've already said that most people don't take characters as I do.
    And well, talking is overrated at times, I felt that this was such a moment.

    TLDR: Your loins are just disappointed that there's no sex scenes here. March 29, 2014 12:17 pm

    i'm looking at you @Nao and your longass opinion (man, do you even know what paragraph is?) which only led to the conclusion: I am disappointed that they did not do the hanky panky. you know, there are a looot of BL mangas which resolved delicate problems through sex. how about reading it to satiate your needs?