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I regret reading comments sometimes (edit: thanks for making understand)

Sol June 23, 2020 1:13 pm

Am I the only person who likes all the couple equally except for a faint dislike of Bambi?

I don't think there was anything wrong with Hachi and Kuma being friends after a break up because in the first place, they were friends who later got into a relationship of lovers.

You can see Kuma likes Bambi since young because I doubt you would remember the child you teased and hurt when young. Their relations seems more developed than Hachi and Kuma's so called relationship as lovers. Kuma could be confusing his feelings for Hachi as he only went out with females and had Hanabi as a friend the longest. So when someone new befriends you, it can easily be confused especially when Kuma found Hachi during a certain scenario.

But maybe I'm wrong but really I don't think Hachi should be blamed like he was truly at fault.

edit: so I was really biased due to reading Hachi manga first but as pointed out nobody is at fault besides Kuma being non-disclosing on all details.

    Peach February 1, 2020 3:25 pm

    Well um, Bambi gets angry really easily so..

    lostikins June 21, 2020 4:41 am

    Kuma never really explains to Bambi the whole situation between the three of them other than "Hachi dumped me 'cause he was in love with my best friend but since we were always together we stayed friends."

    For Bambi Kuma was someone very dear to him-- even to the point where he purposefully held a grudge for fear of forgetting him. His character also went through a major change and seeing as it seems his parents never told him he was a fucking BEAR he probably suffered a lot of emotional instability.

    The repression of emotions often leads to future problems in children. Being told to "never get angry" stunted his ability to cope with that emotion on a healthy level. Not to mention he finally reunites with the person he supposedly "hated" since they were children but finds out that he actually loves that person-- only to be mistaken as a past lover unconsciously.

    I feel like Bambi had a right to be angry to a certain degree. Kuma didn't fully divulge details and kept acting in a teasing way towards him.

    Sol June 23, 2020 1:10 pm
    Kuma never really explains to Bambi the whole situation between the three of them other than "Hachi dumped me 'cause he was in love with my best friend but since we were always together we stayed friends." For ... lostikins

    Yeah, I guess you are right. Guess I should have seen it from a different view. I understand and now know. Thanks

    Meanwhile, I doubt I will delete this comment to serves as a reminder to be open-minded. Ha, those 12 dislikers should have explained to make me understand.

    Sol June 23, 2020 1:16 pm
    Kuma never really explains to Bambi the whole situation between the three of them other than "Hachi dumped me 'cause he was in love with my best friend but since we were always together we stayed friends." For ... lostikins

    I edited the comments so it got lost.

    lostikins June 23, 2020 4:46 pm
    I edited the comments so it got lost. Sol

    Naw you good. I had something similar happen to me where I couldn't find what everyone was talking about and it was frustrating me (the manga pages were uploaded weirdly so I missed a whole ass opening scene in the first chapter 'cause I went to the next page without seeing the first page entirely.)

    I go back to re-read this series from time to time (the art is super cute and Suzume Favorite always puts me in the mood to read the other cute shit this artist creates) and I always felt Kuma didn't do a good enough job on describing his situation. He just simply says "I was dumped by my male lover 'cause he loved someone else" not "I broke off my relationship with my previous male lover 'cause I realized he would be happier with the person he really loved-- even if that other person is my best friend." He didn't even explain that him and Hachi were still friends and had pretty much moved on.


    Actually, now that I am thinking about it he's kinda the reason Hachi lost his sense of taste...

    Kuma really stay being problematic, huh? lol

    Sol June 23, 2020 5:34 pm
    Naw you good. I had something similar happen to me where I couldn't find what everyone was talking about and it was frustrating me (the manga pages were uploaded weirdly so I missed a whole ass opening scene in... lostikins

    right? He seem to joke around, even tease Bambi and cause this misunderstanding that made Hachi look bad.

    Maybe the mangaka didn't plot it right or made it so that there needs to be a bad guy. And since Bambi and Kuma is the protag of the manga, they purposefully made it that Hachi became the fall guy. Since when you read both, you see the whole picture.

    Would have loved for a decent explanation or more exploration instead of throwing Hachi under the bus. I had feels for him and cried for him because reading what happens and all, Hachi don't deserves the hate he is getting from readers. He has his own share of problem what with losing his sense of taste.